Show I LIVESTOCK LIVE FOREIGN STOCK 1 11 I I By BJ r 0 V P K s of I I CHICAGO July 30 R lI Hoes R 16 H market slop un Un- Un un uneven even mostly to SOc lOc lower on belte better grad rr grades de slaughter s pl largely ISo off others other dull big bidding with St Sit day ut-day or 50 30 on commission mixed kinds Ory ery light chipping demand early top 11 til br 10 choh ho e to pound averages bulk buik good and choice 10 to Pound HO 40 eight 10 85 i bette better 21 to pound averages 10 IS 16 to 1030 10 1030 30 bulk packing sow 8 5 40 8 75 desirable strong strone eight laughter slaughter pigs 9 0 75 7 heavy eIght eight 1010 75 73 medium eight 10 10 85 i light weight 10 Ia 10 80 light lights 9 50 packIng hogs hoga hoc 8 It 50 SO 9 packing hogs hots rough 60 30 r 18 S 75 76 Cattle Receipts Cattle trade I more 0 than early earl bettor gl ade fed steea e and fat she stock full stead spots pots shIppIng demand J i top matured steers 1150 sonic some somei i held higher hl her ae several eral loads aton strong weight eight 11 11 40 0 long lont UP to outside figure plain pla-in and short fed offerings slow elow abo ubo t it head weighty eighty cake fed Ced Te Texas 9 1040 40 stockers and ond fair steady with week a 8 I country demand narrow se late yesterday S 6 il omo Inferior light stockers 3 75 Stills bulls u niM cn few he heavy heasy y bologna I 5 36 mostly 4 4 SO 30 0 calera at al 9 a mostly to 1 fe fen 1025 10 23 outsiders to 1050 50 and above C Sheep Receipts Sheep Receipts 14 net early sales fat lambs lam I to strong most roost natives 13 2 early bulk range ranie lambs 13 23 13 76 best held around 14 13 cull eull tl 39 9 fa- fa 92 23 sheep stead steady stead odd o lots iota fat Cat eo enes 5 i BOS BO'S 50 50 lamb lambs prospects steady to stron strong h I- I NAS NIAS CI CIT Mo o July 30 30 I Receipts Cattle Cattle calves calies 1 1300 1 00 native natlie fe fed steel a an strong to higher yearlings S most advance choice choite inA m- m lined steel steer 11 25 bulk buIlt graIn groin nl tl 1 steers leers l era and Sea s 1 aa cake teds feds 0 R 25 28 8 75 TI iU lUcto to loc lc best thou others lon beet beef rows mead at SO 50 on an I I I stead 1 cutters i cutter 2 3 l il bull bulls stead steady I I 4 25 ii 4 1 75 is ral rall i 4 stong 1 lot lop seal enl OS 8 S nh nhI I and ifs hea 3 6 l 1 I s and feeders rg firm J Kansas I feeders 8 3 S 15 IS bulk 5 1 10 O S 7 Receipts S m loet ket uneven on mostly lOc I Oc to 3 I loner lo top lop 1060 pait pai load at nt 10 0 tS bI bulk of or sal sales ealCe I 10 1 10 ZO catty eaily bulk ltd to 10 pound pound- 10 10 0 60 bit big packers S 5 t 9 50 0 for Cor e butcher Oc to ic lower sos Sons ic 7 ic to 1 31 lower loner bulls bull 8 J i IllS If S 50 0 fe few at t 8 S 75 stock pigs tad at 8 t 9 25 5 Sleep heep heep Receipt J 6 lamb lambs I higher sonic some I UI more top natives 13 25 Tk- Tk Ids lup los hos 13 10 grades grade natives I most 12 1 H 11 1 odd lots sheep hep I tead steady 1 O t Neb eb Juli Juh 20 o huge 15 16 GOO ea eai sules to shippers out of ot line i ial The ilic to 1 Sl 00 toe toese lo ci good oud and choice 00 to tIe v poud pou butchers V 39 25 50 litter letter practical top one load e 1000 20 to ho pound mostly 39 09 00 41 9 26 25 fe dd lot lots par por log IDE 8 3 OO S 8 27 bulls bulk or sa Cb es 8 3 9 25 pi i lop op 3 69 ri Ii a ci age cost 9 B SC 33 m I Cattle CalUc Cattle Receipts 6 00 bettel grades beet beef seel s arc ar t s active sit 1 tiner ends ar off weak neak ea I to SIc lower top lop handy ii eIght Ight steer 6 11 SO 70 hh bul- bul bul bullocks bets locks locIs I 11 11 12 3 s 1060 10 60 bull bulk graIn crain fed red beef lings ann ana 8 SS 65 dl di tin lot lut eo CO 5 sand and fait fali v e stead steady dull v p nih ik veI veal veal- eis eis and bulls forkel sand and nominally std f fen lotus is western estern ester steers to 10 f edet dei but hu- huels eis bui-eis eus els 6 00 bulk bull my uv lot cons S and l 6 OO 3 nO 00 choice heCea in load lots lo 10 9 76 75 grassers 3 i Tate c 76 75 moat moat- lv h I canners and 2 25 3 50 practical veal Oal top lop 8 1 50 bologna bulls 54 4 loOt 4 75 71 hea beet bulls 5 Si 00 Iii Ii 50 Sheep Receipts Sheep Receipts 12 roo 1 It Jambs In mba actie 25 to SOc higher fat Cat at lambs lamb 13 1 U 13 J 60 50 top lOP 13 iO SO natives 12 10 5 5 1 1285 12 35 95 ted fed fedI fedI I clipped lambs 11 55 6 65 0 i- i l 00 I stead best be t fat tat ewes e e 6 G 00 feed feed- feeders feed feeders ers era strong strone ales ales aIes i inge nC r feed feed- feeding teed ed- ed ing lambs 1 12 00 T ST T Mo 10 Juh Juli 30 30 Hoss Hogs Receipts 6 I OUO ovo nn het I to SOc Inel top 1045 1046 bul 9 7 l 10 40 I Receipts Cattle-Receipts Cattle Receipts 2 2500 00 malot stead steady to SIc e higher r bulk bull o of 8 S 75 71 to toi Oi 9 90 tO cows cons ansI and J calves Hill 30 S 30 stockers and S 1 I ii X S II Sheep Sheep Receipts I a to lambs Iambs 12 25 i 5 1325 ewes enes i I |