Show n PROBE SANITY OF SLAYER OF CHILD BOISE Ida Juli Juit 30 20 Mrs George GeorgeY White W Y White hite who ho shot ahot hot and killed d her baby daughter Margaret Margaret Mar- Mar garet art Thelma Theima White 18 It months old mentally Ion Monday day afternoon Is Ie mental mental- mentally ly iy deranged according to the yen yen- verdict ver verdict dict diet of the coroners coroner's coroner jury r returned turn d Tuesday afternoon Following the th announcement of tho County Attorney Laurel E B Elam said laid that a corn com complaint com complaint plaint chug charging Insanity would be filed d against ln t Mrs Mr White Whit this morning and the hearing will viii take place In probate court this art aft aft aft- afternoon afternoon at 4 o'clock The Th funeral ot of the little girl who was shot hot tour four our times rimes time In the head with Ith a 32 12 caliber re olver will 11 take tak this afternoon |