Show w hito rj Sport Dope harden hardenE KENNA foi mer Ogden I E find And Leciston Le catcher In the thc n Utah league lOague l hold holds unique distinction In aJ Now with 1111 the Iho Hartford clUb of ot the Eastern league Ken Ken- Kenna Ken na na h has s held helel down don eel position on the field during the present tel tel- telson non son lion 11 He lie placed pia ed the th outfield In one ono game Came last week to complete this lie He had hael worked back of at the thc bat held down sec sec- second sec second ond third short and first end and nt at atone one tIme during durin the curb earh earl part of oC oCI I the he vear year pitched throe three e Innings Inning n t I relief hurler Sort of ot an Iron iros man manch manch ch Johnny Ke Ne understudy to DucKey Jones third sack sack- cr Cr r has ha been turned 0 over er to Al- Al Albany Albany Al- Al Ali bany In i the for tur fur fur- fur ther then seasoning T Ty TyCobb Cobb skipper of at the Tigris Intends Intond to 10 na 8 hav herr h eadY replace la Jones at the tar far corner carner just as ns oon liS as s tho the veteran sho show ho l signs of of slipping Ned ed lIes MIes J turned In two tao victor vIctor- vIctorIes victories ies lea rot for tor the the the- IndIanapolis club of ot the tho during the past ast werk vv pk In on game gane gam ho h nl ai- ai al lOll ed the tIme opposition one run which wee as wa and only tour hits hils Georges George Carpentier and Gene lunney un ney meet nice l hu over the thet t round 12 round loute In tho east cast From I all angles y we r pick Tunney tot to t t tall t trounce e the ta fat fast t fading a linn lain I f IGene Gene the chucker brought to 10 Ogden late lalo In the 1922 1 from the coast and who ho proved roved a big biff fl I Is now ss the th ban bon t I club of ot the th Pa- Pa Pacific Pa Coast league After ACter lea leasing Ing Ogdan n caught on with but to 10 make the grade lie He I Is now being used al a a aI aI I ellet elief pitcher lIcher HI II T TG I TAG I iG G ST T tED RU American bookmakers bookmaker will wilt give odds that champion s ho race race- se ho-se of ot Prance France now mow In III ii this coun coon countr country tr try will not win 10 any of ot the th three ace In which ho he Is la entered Ap- Ap Apparently Ap Apparently they a ate aie e bating basing their judgment on the th sorry orry orry showing bowing sho Ing Pil Pa- Pa l ru made mad last bear ear C C DUPES DUPE'S 1 Mons Mona Descamps now admits he tooled fooled the Ibe Am American public In 11 con con- connection con connection with lIh the Dempsey tight fight v when ben he told newspaper men mon Car Car- Car ip 1 weighed pounds The fighter weighed but lit I 5 pounds hit hla manager now con coni Teases BRACING oG HOME TIlE THE n ni UI RUlES I Kansas Ansas announces bumper crop of Inarticulate whet wheat Bush Dush leagues In hi supera superabundance of ot Ivor- Ivor headed headed Political al bos cs bos es to full tull quota of ot ch elsie civic Ie But It remained for foi- American OlympIc athletes strut strutting ling theIr In Franc to 10 er dl cover world s a gl t ranch cherO h ro brotherly hatred and inter inter- international national scorn t around old old- old fashioned fashioned garden gate gato gat American Americans won ever ever thing In c except und Ing gratitude and enduring affection ot t the gib gibbering bering pArle parley In stands standa Old ulle once li I that br td- td d- d ed victor I Is entitled to Spoilt Out Our a across ross tho the tea ea made ade slight misinterpretation and amI showered victo s w with Ith plenty of at spoiled debris tastefully ga gai with crisp of ot Invective a and andT andi od rh T i thin layers of aC venom American cup CUI collectors corn com com grievous of et Inter inter- international International national diplomacy b by falling tailing to flop down don In ill mire and let sundry and nd livers clieta dh ers competitors walk 01 up and doan n their spines until soles or of ho hoei Jot got hotter hillier than screen om 1 arn- arn arnI lires lire's I ires ire's Ire breath Triumph of ot Star-spangled Star entry nit fInal Inal da day was as widely Idely Ignored In an capitals capital 1111 1 greeted with deafening t oars loara of ot silence by nil d ested ans As AI A Mr 0 so o aptly ob- ob ob ed It 11 hounded bounded like deaf find and dumb ringer Inger broadcasting Asleep In the th Deep tennis players molde I es look ook simple by soap and towels Ought tn in huv have known knon European lOr r bathing does doos not Include use ot of ater it foreign huh Still bOO vou cant can't blame forel foreign n- n tongue for not getting i Jo over b ea In I They'd Inu much h I athel tourIst breaking ten dollar note notes noles If Uncle Sa Sam sweetly 8 mill mill- anil ui dot to 10 withdraw from tournament ment he II won t make malt mak other na na- na Uon lions mad Fred Ired Pollen And Homer Smith wouldn't care Iare If Dempsey Dempey cy Quit the I ting ling either Cuber Tot ou Yom tn Uncle Je has yon won eight ot of these rry fetes retea f tes In Before h ho enters an another other ho ha h should deman demand that the ther r rest l of ot the tho th tho field tho puck little Inns ns go excepted go get I tion I a I on |