Show LATEST NEWS FROM INTERMOUNTAIN WEST YEST Utah Nevada Utah Wyoming Idaho Nevada Montana MAY HEIGHTEN PARLEYS PARLEY'S m DAM ms DA I s Salt Lake Looks About for Greater City Water Supply SALT SATT LAKE July 3 2 Follow FollowIng Follow Following ing a lengthy session Monday art aft aft afternoon members of the emergency ater ater storage committee of o tho Salt alt Lake chamber hamber of commerce decided to Invite In Ite Mayor C Clar Clar- Clarence Clar- Clar Clarenee Clarence ence enee to jothem Jol joU jo- them In con con- conference con conference ference terene Attempts to find a suitable wa- wa water wa water ter tr storage project within a II of CO GO miles ot of o city Ity ha hase 0 brought under on consideration num num- num- num numerous erous orous sit sites Incan In can cannons canone ons east cast of ot the city as well l as distant reservoir I sites Bites Present Indications Indication are that an addition to the tho Parley reser dam tm would be the best of the water ater tage sit sit- situation sit situation Should Should plan lan be accepted 40 In height would be added to the dam at once Present Present it II o of tho reservoir and Its auxiliaries aux- aux I Is jq said to bo be gallons gallon The Thet e are at present gallons in the theL I Pa and amI the building of ot tho the addition would its Its Ity to gallon galion Some wu caused by bythe bythe b the uncertainty regarding the strength o of the dam should It be Increased 40 feet teet In hell height And Anda onia a committee to In Investigate the mat mat- mattH matter tH was appointed R ft R B engineer for the en nite It cd States sun surey ey has beep been neon assisting the tho committee tn In obtaining Information and In It II concerning ng lh th flow low of othe the different streams Robert flobert E Endren Endress S assistant chief engineer to 10 the National Board of Fire Un- Un Under Under der Is jq i on his Wl way from San to aid In the lions on |