Show WO EN N CLEVER W C 0 T U V President Want Female Dry Law aw Officers WI ONA LAKE Ind 2nd July 19 IS 4 W 1 Some ot of the tho meanest boot boot- boot loggers In America are women Mrs Mm Elizabeth T president president I dent of ot tho Indiana W C T U declared before the conference ot of the World League rIUO A Against Aleo Alcoholism holism hollm here Friday in announcing that a 0 request Is to be made modo ot of the gO government that a 0 woman of of- of of be added to the federal pro pro- prohIbition prohibition pro prohibition enforcement staff start at Washington so 00 that activity Ity of ot to- to fo mae bootleggers may moy be dealt with Ith adequately They are too for tor the male enforcement officers she ohe said You need a 0 woman officer to catch a 0 woman WASTE S Making heroes o of bootleggers bootlegger was another e evil eil II Mrs Stinley con con- condemned con condemned There is h too much sym sym- sympathy thY pathy wasted on OP them Wo We 0 rid ourselves of ot maudlin sentimentality loll Mm Stanley said she Intended to form torm a 0 new v society In Indiana to be called the tile ups speak corn com com composed posed pORed of people pledged to meet the curbstone fallacies of the wets and speak up and te tell the tho truth about prohibition s i success Ss She quoted a letter sent ent her hy by Tom rom Tag Taggart he Democratic lead lead- leader leador leader to b be er or in Indiana For For a man nan wet wat no now noa she ehe quoted Taggart as writing h is Fi not only bad morals but It Is poor politics Rich women are aro a block to law enforcement Mrs frs Stanley said She quoted Mrs John D Rockefeller as saying In her lIer presence in Washington that It would take e a Tony ion time to 0 o get getrIch getrich getrich rIch women aomen omen to rule rulo wine aloe out ot of their homes home C ADlo F Rev Rey Ben H Spence of ot Toronto the Canadian Cana secretary secretory of ot the orld is league told the conference that the sote ote of the Province ot of to return to the wet olumn column could be easily e Tile The Canadian people he ho said have been deceived by two tao a words control and moderation The only ohly control Is prohibition The Canadian custom Just jut noIs now flea is not control but a system of sale alo and nd distribution and there is a 0 wide wide- widespread widespread widespread spread belief bollt thu thit moderation Is ate People forget t there Is e esil eIl Il IlIn In as well ell as In drunkenness drunk- drunk enness Post war reaction and aud disintegration disintegration gration ration of prohibition forces who ho believed their work v a an limitation or el enforcement o ae- ae ac th IlleR of provincial contributed to the Saskatchewan an failure allure he ho said eald |