Show Y Q I R itOM MUS JOn JollY L AL DY DE W 11 U OiTis n LED Cut Dut flut aurely I laId Id Kali to her when nbc he he complained of o her h husband s 3 you you OU cannot b begIn gln to teach a IL before It Itcan itcan Itcan can talk to 10 bS b unselfish I You Tou certainly can answered L lIe Tho The Th new theory In child training Is I to begin Immediately not only with physical but hUt with j mental and moral II It Is not from my being stern tern Ith lit itt tl Ue tie John that he I li thInkIng now that thet he ho Is I little lItt John at this moment was wai hewing at the th top of his hij voice but but It Is li became of o your own s In not con cnn con con- what Is la best bost for him your to hold him In your arms and rock him to sleep As Ae A for tor my not doing the tho same sameI with a chUd child that thal i t had hd borne born my- my my loll elt I want to assure anure ou that I I would make mak no difference In my duty any child whom I consider my particular buly bUill With that Lc-Alle Lc L 1 left l ft tho room and after arter Mis Miss Ml a Anderson came end and took tool me mo to my apart apartment ment Although Mini Anderson did this ery cry ery diplomatically say Int av-Int Ing she ho xh was wan wa afraid x Z would be dis- dis disturbed dl by little Jack Jacks Jack's screams ani crIes I am sure ur that LesUe Lealie toll tol her that site she li mu must muot t corn con e after meI meI me meI I ne er thought dear that Leslie could be bo so ao hard r I Ican Ican can an in seo now that thet she ahe he will ili always have her own way even yen If It the th hea Cn falL tall I used u ed to orn orr for fear she he xh and John would pay too much mitch attention to the tho th baby they had adopted but bill now my great greM fear Is s that the th poor little thing thin III be bo neglected i There Thero Is 1 I no reason hy by ou should not como come corn a 0 coy cay or to t o be or bc-or tore fore the th party parly and stay tay with me meIn mein meIn In y own own apartment If I you call cando do thil I wish wl h you would me 0 or or telephone Until I hear from iou ou ou I remain Always Alway sour lour friend dART JARY ALD ALDEN N PH 1 rom I to 10 Mr lIr Mar PI III Sill ill bevery bo be very glad to accept your 10 Think you are ar perfect perfectly ly Iy right In your YO Idea Ideas about little Jack Jach I hae ha e never nover been able abl to helle e that th t the modem modem way of nC bringing splendid did up children tend tends to pien did men and end women omen They noel need mother lor to and mother care cre es c III Is ill talk taik about It q w hen I see nee ee you PRISCILLA Letter Tetter from Crom John Jol to Sydney Carton |