Show wv- wv OIL SCANDALS BLOWN VER I I G G- o 0 P Leader Says Oil Will Play No Part In Election j hEW V YORK July 19 Oil 19 scandals alit 11 play an tn insignificant palL t In the presidential campaign M Butler chairman ot of o the Republican national committee declared Mr Butler Butlers opinion was as express express- ed ed in a statement prior to his de- de de departure tare par for Boston Booton for the I eek week weekend end after aHer several se das da s i In New Nework lork ork City establishing Eastern headquarters tor for tho the campaign He expected to go to Washington next Monday for tor conferences with Ith Pres Pres- Pres President ident Coolidge and to Chicago on Wednesday to remain tor or perhaps a week eel Oil Oil scandals Mr Ir Butler re ro repeated pealed the question ot of o I Ive I've heard h ard almost nothIng of them in connection with Hh this campaign Ot Of course coue there WIl was a a groat deal dealIn dealin dealin In the tho newspapers last winter but most of ot that ha has blown over I Idon Idon don t think oil will III be the shred ot of an Issue |