Show Grants Available to Students The Cranbrook Academy of Art has announced its scholarship program for the scholastic Nine thousand dollars in scholarship will be covering full and partial tuition The awards will be given textile and an Additional amount of is available in the form of grants and loans for study at the An amount of is available to enrolled students to enable them to carry out special For detailed information and application forms write to the Cranbrook Academy of Lone Bloomfield Applications will be received until March Two Utah colleges have been awarded grants totaling for participation in the national science foundation program for training science it was disclosed today by Wallace F. Bennett The University of Utah will receive the for training of post-doctoral teachers in chemistry next summer and Brigham Young University will receive- for training secondary school teachers in psychology and THIS a master's degree is required for those using the grants in the University of Utah which is intended for college The program at BYU is intended for high school teachers holding a master's degree to Under the college participating teachers may receive up to a week during the plus allowances for travel and Stipends for the secondary school program are up to a plus allowances for travel and THE EAST-WEST Center at the University of Hawaii is offering 25 all-inclusive scholarships worth a to American students to enable them to join the new program of East-West studies and cultural exchange to begin in Undergraduate and graduate programs are offered in the fields of Asian comparative international and The scholarships are for a two-year period and include round-trip room and fees and Applicants should write to the East-West of Honolulu |