Show Ute Briefs Fellowship to U Committee Open Applications for the Leadership committee are now being accepted in the Union Those who apply must have had previous experience in human relations educational psychology or educational psychology a-b. Friday will be the deadline for Several workshops have been held this week by the Leadership committee Future plans include an advanced workshop in group Sound-Off Discussion at today's Sound-Off will center around the subject of birth Two questions on the subject that will be considered How necessary is birth and Is it a The discussion will take place in the IK Room at All students are invited to come and participate or just bring a lunch and Fellowship Maurice Chap-Iain at Westminster will present a slide Peni at the Meeting of Student Christian All students are welcome at the meeting which will be held on Wednesday at p.m. at sity St THE or is a group found mostly in isolated areas of New Mexico which has grown out of the Roman Catholic spent several years among these doing research as his doctoral Before the meeting there will be dinner which will cost 65 cents per The dinner starts at p.m. Reservations should be made as soon as |