Show Letters to the Editor Dear Is the Chronicle sports editor suffering from an overdose of pride for his fraternity or is Snow just plain openly Snow's as outstanding as it has the past quarter rated bold type whether is is deserving or IN THE 11 Chronicle this particular fraternity rated above the Sigma Chi fraternity concerning the present intra-mural The Sigma Chi holds the first place by One issue last quarter is a tremendous example of the sports editor's I believe the headline Kappa Sigma Chi Win in The article wenton to say that this fraternity had third place by losing to another How in the world does one third place by Phi Delta the team that beat the was not even put in the large If Snow were writing for his fraternity his undue pride and misconceptions could be the is a daily University publication and only the facts should be It is our hope that m the future the Chronicle sports editors wM confine prejudices to the It will be greatly app PAUL TON BOB |