Show OPERATORS MAY STRIKE A rumor lias has it that the telegraph operators in both the western union and postal telegraph offices will go on strike on ou the lot ot of june it Is stated that the men have all sorts of grievances and the reports add a deal of information which a telegraph op orator doubtless is glad to know tor for it was certainly news to him as it was wits to the reading public there may inay be a strike of operators on june june ifil it apparently depend aidon upon the degree of acuteness reached by the situation in new york in that city nine western union operators were discharged president clown of the company says they were dlo diL charged tor for cause sam sain J small president of tho the commercial tele Telegrapher ra pher pherson sUn anion ion of kner america loa says they were discharged because they were members of 0 the union the operators era tors too want the sliding scale a and the system ot of split tricks done away with split tricks are those shuts which include both day and night work an op operator prator must bo be at tha service it Is claimed from fouz fourteen teen to sixteen hours out dt of that time he works eight hours |