Show COUNTY commissioners will meet in june as a board of equalization A communication from the civic leaa league was wa read before the board ioard of county commissioners this morning protesting against tho the advertisement ci that deface the canyon and petitioning the board to take action to prohibit future demonstrations of commercialism mercial ism on the part of over zealon merchants mer cbanta it was ivas agreed to erect signs 91 ns along the canyon warning agents against the posting po king of bills or the tile painting of rocks and the signs that already exist will be taken down or painted over A report on the results of the special road tax election in roy and wilson stated that in the former town the vote nv iva m unanimously in favor of the assessment while while in the latter only a small number of citizens voted against the measure As a result tho the roads in these districts will be repaired and macadamized other elections will be held throughout the county to determine the will of the people in regard to a uniform system of repairing the highways owing to a misunderstanding of the law the board of equalization has been in the habit of holding sessions at any time during the year but this morning it was discovered that it has not the power to equalize only between the first and fourth monday in june which comes this year on the third and twenty fourth the clerk was instructed to notify ministers and ani bishops to inform the widows in their respective territories to make appeals to the board immediately after june 3 it if they desire a reduction of their taxes in a verbal report the county attorney explained what becomes of the die 35 per month allowed allo wedi him for the employment of a court stenographer A more complete report will be submitted in writing |