Show conventions MISTAKE IS SERIOUS i y t the railway review published at chicago shows that a serious understanding nils concerning tho real attitude of president roosa velt led to the baning ban ing out of depre 0 leading commercial organizations of the linked states from the interstate commerce law convention at chicago and it says it was understood that the ultimatum of tho president was that the interstate commerce commission should bo vested with the where a given rate has been challenged and alter a hearing found to be unreasonable to decide subject to judicial review what shall toe a reasonable rate to take its place the ruling of the commission to take effect immediately and to obtain unless and until it lg reversed by the court of review upon this proposition and adopting it as the hey note E P bacon chairman of the executive of the interstate commerce law convention ven tion called a meeting at which it was announced only those who are in accord with this policy were invited indeed the convention was tor the purpose and only for the purpose ot endorsing this proposition under the plea that it la in tull and exact accord with the position of the president unfortunately tuna tely for its however albeit to the manliest advantage of the whole country the president at raleigh stated quite a different position ho eald but in my judgment the most important thing to do Is to give to this administrative body the inter bbate commerce commission power io make its findings effective and this can be done only by giving it power when complaint la mode of a given rat as being unjust or unreasonable atit finds the complaint proper then it belt to fix a maximum rate which it regards aa just and reasonable this rate to go into effect practically at once that is within a reasonable time and to stay in effect unless reversed by the courts the definition of a maximum rata 18 very far from the prescription of a definite rate the one permits 0 the variations necessary to meet th exigencies commerce while the other la to a straight jacket which confines all action to a specific line 1 he one may be used to promote traffic the other almost inevitably strangle it so also with the proposition to have the rate operative within a reasonable time tula peralta of adjustment and it necessary gives opportunity for court interference |