Show and Is now chowing away the reward he secured bridgeport conn oft iv the chances that the police will receive nearly tho whole of the stolen from the adams express company in pittsburg by edward G cunliffe who was arrested here yesterday sest erday and taken to pittsburg today seem bright tonight was found in a trunk belonging to a butler of a prominent family at black rock but the butler and the family by whom he la employed were ignorant of the tact that the large sum found was within the house although there Is a possibility that the remaining has been de the police are of the opinion that another accomplice of may reveal the hiding alae of the missing sum in round numbers has been found within tho past 24 hours after figuring on about as the amount which cunliffe has spent or which was found on him when arrested there is left a sum of yet to be accounted tor the discovery of the money jn the black rock home tonight was brought about by keeping a close watch on one of Cunliff es chance acquaintances george Els ennian who waa with cunliffe when he was arrested yesterday morning according to eisenmass Eisen mans story he met curlise in a cheap hotel wednesday night the two being together for some time cuniffe had a package with him and when the men were about to leave ech other cunliffe said that he wanted to take care of the package as it was laundry which he wanted to keep in a safe place eisenman took the bundle to his al stera house nasli street and when alone opened it and found the big sum of money captain arnold of the detective bureau who knows aisenman Bis enman and who saw him with cunliffe when the latter was taken went to the home of eisenmass Eisen mans sister and found the bundle of shirts but no money and he suspected that eisenman had abstracted str acted a part of Cunliff os plunder eisenman was shadowed all the day and he was seen to give a small package to his friend the butler tonight eisenman was taken to the black rock house and asked the butler tor the package lie went to his trunk and turned it over to captain arnold intact the butler had not been told what was in the package captain arnold would not reveal the name of the biler or the family which employed him eisenman was taken to police headquarters but was released later two other now features ot the capler of events connection with the capture of cunliffe cropped out today one being an attempt by Cun litte to bribe captain arnold of the local detective force and the other being the story of betrayal by a friend of cunliffe tor the purpose of securing the reward of 2500 offered by the foi his arrest daring one of the talka which captain arnold had with cunliffe last night the prisoner made the proposition to divide he which be had sent to his brother in law joseph W boardman in bristol on the promise of secrecy arnold was to have 1 the scheme was carried out according to the plans ol 01 the prisoner who was to tell the pittsburg authorities that the place of the money would never be known arnold led the prisoner on his wild proposition and after cun plans were laid bare the detective told cunliffe that the money he had intended to split up had already been found in bristol the betrayal of cunliffe by his friend james is interesting massett formerly lived in bristol and knew cunliffe well they had been together a great deal when cunliffe lived in bristol and hartford and at the present time is employed by ono of the cheap hotels in the section of tho city in which cunliffe was captured last tuesday mia aest went in the tremont hotel barroom and saw cunliffe standing at the bar went up to him and said hollo what are you doing here cunliffe around and pretended not to know who was sure of bis man then said why you know me im you used to play policy with me in bristol cunliffe still denied that he bad ever then left the barroom in u hurry and when outside inquired the amount of the reward offered for the capture of cunliffe tho next morning went to new york and on reaching there visited the pinkerton agency in broadway gentlemen he said I 1 know where cunliffe Is and I 1 want to know what reward is offered for him he was told 2500 the people thought ai first that was a crank buc ho assured them that he was in earnett and said that if the pinkertons Pink ertons would give him a written agreement that he would get the reward it he told them whery the man could be found he would do so this was agreed to and told them tho arrest of cunliffe followed tonight returned from new boik with tho 00 reward and proceeded to spend if lavishly throughout the lower part of the city washington octa SO announcement was made atohi bbate department today that adivi smith american consul aj trinidad has been removed from offices the cause is failure to render hid accounts and is attributed tri buted solely to neglect and caie lessanes less nes au successor has not yet been selected paris oct 0 O the council 0 mot today tor the last ilac prior lo 10 president loubens for madrid note issued after hie mooting did not mention venezuela from which it was con eluded that no further action would bg taken alie conclusions 01 ol the at washington |