Show ah POLICE COURT man who got drunk and owr a horse Is sentenced john why are you here was asked john lyons as he faced the judge in police court in broad brogue that contained mirth in the rich articulation of english words john replied sure dear friend judge misfortune will come to tho best of us and then I 1 try to drown sorrow in the oblivion oe aquor well mr clerk make that fine TO or 10 days said his honor ana he remarked as john left the room for the corridor of sighs the next time the fine will be 20 then 40 and so on to the limit the next frank lamay was not content with the right be enjoyed ot drinking through straw but to demonstrate on the exhilaration that coursed cou reed through his veins he a horse and buggy tied up in front of blacksmith shop proceeding down twenty eighth at a good speed he collided with a telephone pole and demolished the rag fore and aft officer lane answered a phone message from that part and towed the outfit to the station the buggy belonged to W II 11 dabue who it to peter shupe lamay received afine of 10 days and stated would pay damages in the sum of 15 when out of the city bastile surfeit day has and the city jail safe is filled with modey ahls is a dark day for gamblers and electric alley denizens but a rich on lor the city |