Show of the prevention of consumption by a serum new york oct 11 1 he new york cable regarding the offer made by one of the wealthiest men of that city to present to dr behring it he would make known his treatment for the cure ot consumption has excited great interest in paris says a cable despatch from paris to the new york herald A correspondent called on dr behring who said 1 I may say at once that I 1 could not entertain an offer of the kind in such a form I 1 have made it a principle never to accept any aid of this kind from private individuals secondly I 1 could not my investigations to the control of a committee however eminent as I 1 could have no certainty that its members had the necessary as bacteriologists to conduct such a delicate task it would be another thing it the offer came from the american government or from some organized scientific institution and was made in recognition tion of the services I 1 had rendered to science and humanity by the discovery of these serums against diphtheria and tetanus it is however a mistake to imagine that I 1 have kept my new discovery secret this is not so but I 1 have chosen and win continue to choose the persons to whom I 1 make the communication sly only desire is to have such collaboration as I 1 know will advance the matter it Is only by leaving such delicate investigations in the hands of duly qualified men of science that progress can be made |