Show man lived for months with a decayed pancreas L t new york oct is regarded as a wonderful discovery by the medical was maae yesterday at the autopsy performed oa the body of george william catt whose body in his will was taken to the disser trog room of the coraell and bellevue hospital medical schoola to be to benefit medical and surgical research the pancreas which performs the same functions as the gall supplying the smaller intestine with gastric to aid digestion was found to be decayed a condition which probably prevailed for many months it was found to have withered away to almost nothing and the surgeons who were jc jasent sent at the autopsy declare there is no other case known of a man living with a withered pancreas the coffin in which the body was borne to the medical college ft as destroyed yesterday and the flowers which accompanied it were distributed amons the hospital patients the body will in a few days be cremated VETERANS OVER THE OLD TRAIL president darks guests travel in state across the desert los angeles cal oct 11 whirled over lines of glistening steel across the sun painted desert chero the boots of their plodding oxen and heavy cart wheels broke the untrammeled wastes more than years ago a picturesque veterans band from the utah metropolis arched in los angeles tonight over tho salt lake road the special guests ot president dark during their prospective stay of several days in this city for the first time in more than halt a century the members of this little party there are about thirty ot them crossed the deserts and the mountains into by the old trail which knew so well but in a manner so i different and to a country unlike the one they first looked upon san bernardino which they founded in the early fifties was their first stopping place in california and there they were entertained today the place was hardly recognizable to them but they remembered the contour ot the country the higher mountains the famous arrow head and a score or more of landmarks san bernardino was theirs today they had only to express a wish and the people there tried to grant it there was no attempt to rush things the pioneers went where they willed did aa they desired and when they boarded their special pullman tor los angeles late this afternoon they bad seen all that san bernardino has to offer THEY BROKE INTO HER ROOM chicago oct 12 fearful that the contents of the rooms were a menace by fire to the hotel and all its occupants members of the fire department broke into the suite occupied for baoy years by hatsio cotton in the plaza hotel for years no other person had enter cd the rooms mrs cotton lived the life of a recluse and would permit no one elso to cross her threshold glimpses which employed emp loyes ot the hotel gained through the quick opening and closing of dors however led to the call for aid from the city when the door was opened members of the invading party stared with amazement four of the avo rooms in the suite were packed from floor to cell ing aud from wall to all with old newspapers paper boxes and rubbish ot various kinds in the fifth room space had been belt for a small cot which was the only comfort the alder iv woman had allowed herself the clerk noticed that mrs bokon can led many newspapers and boxes |