Show LICAN mi strong men are nominated for city council friends of rudolph kuchar claim he has won mayoralty nomination effrom tuesdays standard THE republican NOMINEES FOR THE COUNCIL first ward J W austin second ward dr H J powers third ward joaeph B dana a fourth ward S H browne firth wai a E E siewart Sl ewart in all of the wards of the city the republican primaries jast night brought out large numbers of people and the interest displayed in tha selection of the nominees for the city council and in the delegates to the convention which meets on thursday may be taken as an index of the interest felt in the approaching chiy election in spite of he many who biad coun cilman lc aspirations good feeling prevailed at all of the meetings even in the bloody second and the business of the evening at the different primaries was transacted with j at the primary in the fourth ward j which la the largest ward in the city there were more candidates for conn 1 cilman lc honors than in any of the other wards and many amusing dents occurred at one of the game judge howell who had been elected chairman of the meeting lost his bearing and in putting a motion started to follow the ritual of one ot I 1 the many lodges of which he is a member he went just far enough j before he tumbled to his position to make it known that he had made a j and it was some time before he could command even his judicial dignity by far tae moat amusing incident of the evening occurred while nomona alons for councilman in order S H browne and phil kohn had been placed in nomination and the chair man had walled patiently for other nominations aben Mid denly from ohp rear of the came the voice i of dr candau he said 1 I am placed in a baoit peculiar ion tonight I 1 understood that mr Farnswort ft was to be present 40 place 1 by name in nomination but as I 1 fall 0 o see him I 1 am forced to nominate myself and I 1 wish to say that I 1 would make a mighty good councilman i ne doctors speech brought forth rounds ot laughter and chairman howell slated that dr condone Condon 6 nomi netlon was not without precedent as he had known h former candidate for congress from this district who hail himself ahli remark rought the question from many as i 0 whether the man bad been elected and the judge slated that he had not i soine v ua and the regular order of business n proceeded with in be first ward richard lowed unexpected strength and ran n cos second to J W austin who received the nomination the city hall where the firt ward primaries were held ahe council were so crowded as to serf boush handicap the transaction of business the meeting was called to order by thomas H carr who waa elected fiarman li arman and W J critchlow secre H T for the council william moyes J austin and J H emmett were placed in nomination no other can 1 v bins nominated uie vote was token result of the vote austin boyea 70 emmett 43 tola 4 alie lection of delegates to he waa then in order and the following delegates were elected FOS FO S district C E layne mrs A P aacen IL D V C woods airs mrs Wd liams sirs hunt mr irana will kent third district emma smith W T crutchlow alice collins jane stanley johnson barlow hyrum pingree henry azacl mrs L grimn job pingree geo B fourth leon browning 6 P L bradley J K bag dinv inv nan A critchlow matt wilde delagdo delat do angel nettie blake E R geler richard walker B B brooks if H forbrook Hor brook fifth T H cirr james cassan aach thomas H T snyder W F st john wm moyes R B hajne henry emmett sidney stevens kate onelli J V nelon D A murray ben in the second ward the primary was attended by a large number and much interest was shown luring the entire proceedings will howell was chosen as chairman and presided over the meeting W T van dyke sr was elected secretary chairman howell called the meeting to order and said in pan L adibi and gentlemen I 1 thank very for the honor you have conferred arpon me in malting me your ca airman and I 1 desire to congratulate lae ot this ithe second ward for the magnificent showing shows what vivid interest you take in ana affairs of ag tabe tillara then ap toy the chair after which the call iraa Tead toy the chairman for th different districts were elected as follows gilb W B biesser BI chairman I 1 T booth secretary sevesty Sev esth district W L russell C C nowland secretary eighth J E williams chairman ha irman W D vandyke secretary T chairman mass K shields secretary the following delegates were elect 1 1 I 1 district Dr II 11 n forbes A 1 I downs john conlisk vm C iToi reU H C bhaer sam kaine J W D bloamer Blo aser mark murphy D madson E W ken neair disi ctet C C win H J powers J C gasberg W S M H thomas A J farber M J cleary F W harrington M F E echol V J wright beigh h districts district A IT moyes F M farreel Far reil J E williams L C jensen mrs J H moyes W D van dyke M S richardson P J aloyes ninth district T C pancake J F wadman T lever kate shields J L E S king for councilman for the four year term J W conlisk was placed in domination by J W coe and seconded by F W herrington Herr inston dr II 11 J powers as placed in domination by dr F B forbes and seconded by M it thomas the chairman then announced the nominations closed and the vote was taken the result total for conlisk 75 votes for powers total votes cast mr took the floor and made a motion that dr powers election be declared unanimous the motion was adopted the primaries of the third ward were held in the mound fort amusement hall after alUn sr the meeting to order albert power was selected chairman and david jenann secre enry flier was but two candidates for the council in this ward J H cardon and joseph B dana of the votes cast dana received and for the republican city central committee albert power and david jensen were selected as members the delegates elected to the convention were ns follows tenth district james chase ezra chasco jaffs brusdale Bry sdale sirs C 0 bedford albert wood eleventh district shaw william carr daniel munson G H cardon john V barker H G owens byron chase C R drumiler mrs alice dean and mrs G H cardon twelfth J C simmons neil anderaon mrs christana Cn ristana harrop spencer stone grant anderaon And ereon thomas burk john hutchins david jensen J W wheeler peter john van chris andersen M M moroni stone thirteenth district william cragg walter burt frank E williams C E peterson wllbur george gibson edwin dix A I 1 stone W or nels knudsen Ku the fourth ward met in the county couri hoube the room being crowded to lla utmost capacity judge J A howell was elected chairman and charles secretary for the council S H browne phil kolac dr condon ana walter B wedell v ere placed in nomination the vote for candidates for the council was as follows browne bondon sa wedell 17 and kohn 14 on motion of dr con don the nomination of mr browne was made unanimous calls for mr brown brought that I 1 gentleman to the floor and he thanked present for the confidence they had in him in selecting him for their nominee to the council the following delegates were selected to the convention district E W wade alva sabring maud baker dr cook W N terson mrs davedson Dav ldson A T hestmark M gilels H L carver fifteenth district audolph kuchler J S paine G J kelly J V bluth mrs K r line george HUBS EJ williams M skeen ana L B balchi sixteenth district dt strict S H browne mis laura meighan reese howell E II 11 orui prank grant arb thomaa H lendsay E S burdack Burd lck mrs thorborn A T wright albert richey seventeenth district H A D W ellis dr condon I 1 L dark john spiers james haberson herson Ha L C meld A jackson W richey T C morris and eighteenth district fred W chambers J D murphy r M driggs J D skeen E A stratford james mac leui stanford adeline greenwell W B wedell and phil kohn nineteenth district W D dark walter daisy mcgaw joaie kimball jolin Inge berteon sam B F thomas and H steela district A VV agee and W D mdonald in the fifth ward there were but two candidates for the nomination to the council ta E stewart stew art and dr of the votes cast stewart received 71 votes and dickson 47 twenty first district george iian son V C gunaella Guna ell S H 0 A dickmon Dick BOn airs IL T harris J H myers J H davia C D lea twenty district dave pugh mrs chandler mrs filbert edgar jones T B browning henry donkers J E davenport paul and II 11 II 11 thomas twenty third district G L becker J H hamner mrs P D hurst ebeo D C don Magn lre K T adam pat torson A B carcy corcy frank stevens twenty fourth district R A moye louisa colman george B graves P deaker 1 C coleman mrs E at booth A F parker F M woods R R chandler twenty riffi bisti let nelson herrick charles F F dalton J M belban rufus garner T B evans lewis miller and charles the friends of rudolph kiichler claim that he will de for mayor a big majority of the delegates elected last nuat having expressed themselves in favor or his candidacy |