Show two cane each other ill mercifully two Ch camen employed in alie laundry en the of grant and awood earned looie bong and ling yung entered into an alter alt on at the laundry yesterday afternoon about 3 oc lack tt inch resulted in a li being fearfully cut ling duog escaping from bia opponent aaa cp into town covered with blood his feature being niza ilc lie created s geat g eat deal c finout tle crowd 0 lades and who had asaro bled on twenty fourth to witness the performance of tight rope deputy josepn belnap to A charge of liim aid he atai abely token up to the rooms tf dr Gr ariam the doctor on examining hi fauni abat be had a deep if lie h and half incites ling a small cut cheek bone a urge swelling on the head as il ade by a blow from a dub a stab on the aper part of toe left bad the r glit of joint and a slit between the little and rion finger of the right band these dounda he dressed and the almond eyed was taken to the city hall after he had hern th re a fw minutes he begin complaining of hn baak aaning him and on t on a large mt WAS aboss addle of tle bick fully three in ha lang a portion of it cut clar cl ar to the backbone dr rovers who bai by this time attended to the other raty in the right who had been brough ti the jail in a bleeding cond tion fixed up thia v aund by in a f w 8 n lin yung stated where the fight bail occurred and abat the mothr mm was attie laundra rf D pu v mc lelian down to arrest tha murl 1 roia 1 lii he found boog in as bad a condit on as lia having fainted from lois of bood high was from an vaa speedily ban dald the poor fellow pac d in a w goa and to alo city tall chere dr booe a attend d hm bongs i n ere a tearful bahon doina d and alie knaack o on one hand adly cu he lost so much blood abat toen in the jail by a reporter lie ap aca ed to he dreaming of alie harpy bo end lie had bo nearly 1 wounds of ling yung were dressed lie wai in a talk itne snood anil in a long agne his fide of the etory to the re he stated abat bon biad been in the habit of abusing him and cilen him names v inch he did by no means reli frh he had told him time and again to desist but without any apparent effect hong vas ery abushi and called him all lie names that he could lay hia tongue to lie as told that he had to shut up or there would be trouble thia lie said lie n not do and w etli that struck yung a blow in the mouth yung tried to get away but got a mow on the cheek which gae him the cut on the cheek bone they then grappled but bong got the upper leold fastening hia clab in the queue ot ins opponent yang reached 0 er to the table v here there was a large chinese tobacco pipe and v etli it began sinking bong on the head bong crabbed a inch knife tying on alie table and cuttong away yung ran but was on a fence which he failed to scale and alie other dounda which bae laid him up alie bolno show two ugly looking one a little longer than the oilier but both of them ery vry dangerous one of these is said liten used by yang and lie kotlier ly bong when alie knife was to yung he paid that he had natured that knife and it did not lelong to alie house but when the other knife w as exhibited lie ingi isted that eliat w as the one used by bong in alie affray both are now under arrest and w ill have a hearing today to day bong could not be roan but it w ill be interesting to hear his eide of the affair |