Show A FIGHT n mm I 1 he on lo 10 one and acet badly quite a little wag creace at the butr restaurant lat evening between 10 and 11 rive irishmen fame into the ait and oddred supper after ny had succeeded in getting on the outside of their arder they gome kind ot a cheik in expect ina to adt it cashed the proprietor called to a plumber engaged at forges fallow to r ma aid recai the heck to him he being a china inn not being abla ui nake it out lle the plumber alie bean roundly abusing him it M aa noce of na bianci 8 from cords it cami to blows hie patricks making the airet piar then alie fua ragan As soon aa one would get up rom a ancik davv n t e boull until the ft bole bunch ea apo from th they roo birong ciden ceo I 1 lie terrible drubbing flioy hal show ing black eyes and ral bruaw this waa not all later in the evening of them cra aad at 1 50 this morning a third man wan pulled the other tv 0 arc at arge the times liar the deplorable prejudice that exists in the of la forcibly illustrated in the tirade of itzik limped upon tho bait latke correspondent fur the denver aws u ho in sending a special of ondina new hotel the word augden the that the hotel wax a alt lilii it 1 MUS an but the Column tint incline to the belief that it as accidental a re nent in kaleton kc leton form nd it Is not an infrequent that nords arc left out and others horribly butchered printers too no been know n to leave out words the location at the corner of and twenty filth bolt late has no such and tho general reading of the apell on abo part of the correspondent to rob credit ittai right that the mailer be ur it should haio been more will angly dono the 1 charitable enough to that ho error van not in frant 13 it was with m angled fel nka of dis oi t aad that I 1 read the above article in the c litral columns of the commercial to daiy diy I 1 ima i ma ej that this ankron n enemy of instead of hearg in silt lake is right here in our midst and dis at the stupidity and ignorance in him if tha person who wrote that article hayhal any ce he willfully but it is BO very of the and asinine editor of that elifet that I 1 am half inclined to charge him with ignorance lie eide avore to ex we h report in question tion by eliat bordi are belt ou that others ae mangled manz led and of in skeleton fran these po anible mishaps is remarkable that n debould become and broom be brown bhae blent the best era of my life in work either a correspondent or editor and I 1 have yet to fee BUI a of the truth occur unintentionally the dal mma ca chit exists ia the minds of a class of newspapers is forcibly illustrated in the conduct it is all pro by jealousy of TUB DABU because van boldly came to the front and the cir dent as a and a liar while the auty editor complacently let lie matier alone ciuch ia a libel on detent j it is little lesa linn criminal fur the liberal oran of his cita to condone or euca brazen lobb cry CODES sia another mr A D rogere of ii s city entered a compla nt a office about iho berice he stated that a email package weighing about one ounce hal b ea sent from catbe valety two omika ago he lias gone to alie post office every day during that lime and some times twice a day aiding for that ip aid tinia he ha 1 been told that there was nothing for him yesterday Yest erlay he a letter from alie birtis alio lid sent the pick igo stating that it bad been posted just two aweeka ago on receipt of alis letter be insisted that the pickaxe be bulted at the oll ir the result waa that it vai une and ced from its hiding jacc it is euch on the pirt of the employees that causes the ddll into disrepute everybody understands stat tre force at abo is utterly inadequate to perform lie enormous work required and everyone ia disposed to belnie nt in the matter until buh time as general kimball can receive the needed relief by increased appropriation fram the government but it donld ave taken less time to give air bogers the package on hii visit than to bend him an ay iy a d zen times and then be compelled to make a search for it to great inte reet is being nnnie sed over alie of SIM I 1 botts at tha cita ball to a free to billi men aid women her advent here ia eageny wat hd for by the grentier ees the fad ot london bays of lier there waa a crowded dr botta atron igind did not seek to demonstrate itself through any attempt at costume the floming robe of old gold abe little tables on which bloomed pots of tulips did much to counteract iha chasty effects of the f keif tons dr abe hat she baya frush and attractive aau ell clearly utilize ble to mirrow at 3 the will deliver her birtt lecture to women only evening abbe ill by request delner a lecture on rempei ame at the catli faill ba free the private enra uce ot eliw broam on avenue will be open during dr utta stay for tho of her ballera callera ca llera aerts the case of A L mataw charged ath a deadly weapon came up afore justice pro chiw yes U rjay attorney defendant was allowed to h s pie of cot guilty and entered one 0 guilt to tto charge 0 assault lie lined 50 and costa ia all lie p iid charles the apro who had his shot bv santaw was alo upon a charge of amilt th intent to dj bodily barm it appear i that be bad damn a kuite on Mataw atthe lie was allowed t plead to the charge of assault and was fined 20 including caari report that the anon aa ling youg wai dead be is yet alne ho Is the coin nant in tho chae but he is nowhere to be found the other cela bial who was not eo andly wounded ai ahurst re pored n detill in lie jul but a little weak irom loaa of the tho latest number of alie juvenile la out and is replete with the very literature for the youner and the old m v ell it is now the most capable and useful magazine in existence for alie children of tho la ter day sainta |