Show MAKE ROOM FOR newspapers according to public rumor and abo salt lake tribune two long felt badts in ogden are to bo speedily filled by two new journalistic ventures come alona brethren there Is plenty of room to live if you can live and there ia plenty of company in the newspaper graveyard in case you abail die out of a limited experience as to duration and an unlimited experience as to in journalism we trust that we may be permitted to give an early greeting to our uve contemporaries we will not attempt to burden that cordial greeting with advice but surely it can carry a little information ogden has had already half a sore of new t papers TusS and the vawn each of the others has coat as much time energy brains and money as would have been am ply sufficient to make a success of mercantile bugi new aej at the end of the health purse and energy of the proprietors there has been bitter failure ho newspaper in ogden has ever yet until tug time been able to pay its own way it is reported report td that one of the new ventures wilt have a cast capital of eliat bom will bo necessary allowing fora plant and pub paper aa costly as THE the remaining wilt be expended one year at the end of eliat period the paper will have all the cash it has been able to collect for and subscriptions it will liae a short list of good and a IOD liet of bad ones it will have a Boni battered outfit parts of which will need renewal it will leave a largo and costly choik of experience an J it will have such goodwill good will or ill will as the public may choose to bestow at the end of the second year it will be stilt richer in experience and bad accounts and poorer in cash and plant the outlook ia certainly not entrancingly hopeful iut we trust it is nut entirely for the more the merrier TUB STANDARD all legitimate in the newspaper geld one enterprising journal helps another and the new ventures will not be at our expense besides we have a special reabon for favoring these experiments there are scores of aeu in aliis who ane that the same of money invested in newspapers ith the earne amount of caro and hard work will produce as profitably as a bank the more ol 01 buea who pay a fow to loam that they are mistaken abo better we like it so lir as we are concerned this paper expects to stay it haa passed aliu chiaia of its carter and now enjoys better Ial and financial were ever given to any other paper in ojen A new journal will be obliged to eink money for several years before it can euion aa large a as our daily and semiweekly semi weekly have achieved achie vod |