Show ofle SlI CItE bigott fallt aff h tam be loutta LONDON march 2 A madril dia patch tills afternoon re all doubt aa to the identity f the man alio ahot himself yesterday and tt e holy has been fully identified as that of by the of alie british embassy on thursday an interpreter iner preter showed amott the billits of ll adrid on that day algott deot neot a ee aoi addressed Ion to the fluce in bondon of Soa niep the time solicitor tins telegram announced liia safe arrival in madrel and aavo hid address it id inferred the english government learned from this that diott was in jt is that a notebook containing the addresses of a number of in ireland as found on the body lias rauch a profound sensation tion throughout england witnesses haio started from diina for madrid fur tle purpose of tho lody alie police intend to hold the of the pend order court rl allive live their disposal alia tle nini lacott li cott sent roin madrid on 1 to S odice in this city was to shan nou ilia dublin not first reported on receipt of alie teleran tel eram scales Doti lied lie police of tho whereabouts of amott liKoU 8 telegram to tf to send me v hat you promised pro mined write te leoland ionson les shannon wrote denying that he promised him money the police induced soamma not torpid shannona Sh annons letter and a blerk in So anies onice to detain bigo t in madjid wrote to him pabloi bl iannon atah in ireland aud eliat when ho returned hie money would be ant lle aides flieck book a letter addressed to labouchere and a to anus in ireland were found on alie body alie letter addre Bcd to lajonchere Labon chere atas clowd and ready for mailing in it bays the farat barcli of letters bold by him lo 10 the genuina but that in the second batch there ere beveral lestere lel tere two to barnell and one oilier to bavitt okelly and agan ginott bays 1 I am deeply airry for all I 1 leave injured and am ready to place at their all alie means in my power to remedy all that 1 hare bald that was falso lter l ter thing written under balli waa tru the license to carry a revolver was dated at dublin A chirck book of the ulster ank was also found on the body eiliott tried to negotiate a chek at the madrid bink but in the absence of proof oi his identity the hank refused to cash it A note book full ot interesting tales waa also foaud corinno um COBI utah maidli ast 1st STANDARD the 9 inch artesian now being bored in mr lot near the central hotel is cased over feet A of gab hearing and debris passed through and corinne was illuminated for a night or two with a jet of natural ROS the machine ia now full time and aa 15 to 49 feel aro finished each day liay boon be expected ia daily from tho ing settlements to wilif the work of finking ein king and great a taken in the experiment sir guthrie de alarea that lie will buy cipy to the ewt loch of copo on the and dr honlio baya the well will so down 1600 fojt or ehnke a good liw of before look onoro tor the bear kiver cabal U 1 tarpey paid tho coata ol 01 bla recent wit lu alio llio fart court W guehne nd fur which ins property pro petty ans attai lied by the and bavine also in his to prevent the 0 I 1 it it from paying the tax litigation is light here at present the L K chase has been removed by the at washington I 1 0 and W claucy appointed in tiia place mr claucy il fit up a in the old western union telegraph hulad ica CORINNE |