Show old world te LONDON leb l eb ard 3rd having been teed to be reopened on february 21 and members baa enow the anity of prefer ninfi all bobial and domestic arrangements for the next fow months wo soon be bearing of the concur which df ilu upon the general outline of alio legislation of the year abid members hill be back to town boiu the various parla of the globo in they have been ilia porting themselves during the one question of interest which is al nay a aroused at thin period can be answered pretty easily thin year and that la as to whether the queen will parliament it is generally un circles likely to be beat informed upon cuili matters that her ila jesty in not clely to do so ahia year and thia on the chief ground that she is not in u condition to bear the fatigue which a state pageant DC upon her when herila jesty gnes such an intimation it is obviously for the matter further to be argued and ther fore although with much regret her subjects or at least such of them as dwell in london or within easy reach of the capital will not have the opportunity of giving her the greeting on the occasion bich is always her lot stripped of the pres euco of royalty the opening of is a very tame but as it signa aises a revival of political and social activity in the metropolis it ia always a occasion much attention continues to be iven in the london prenn to a topic of great interest which lias recently been largely debated and that is the condition ot the probationers or nurses in process ot being trained at the various metropolitan hospitals A few years ago litto general interest would leave attached to the question because the movement bad not then set in by garld of kentla birth and cultured training dedicated the best portion of their life to the duty of aiding the alck and the among their fellow creatures but that movement n now so that many can reckon a dear friend tho army of nurses that being so it is only natural that the question of whether such are being treated with due consideration or with unnecessary hardness is one that fastens the attention of i great number and the general att ctt of the controversy is to leave an impression that in certain of our hospitals an amount of menial labor is required of he probationers which calculated to depress their spirit and break their health could more cheaply and probably more effectively bo performed by others no one would suggest that the life of a nuree can bo made a perfectly easy one but the sights and sounds of the hospital he long fioura and alie wearying exertions should suffice to the most exacting without abero bocog added mere physical tasks outside the proper ephano of a nurses work honor and even reverence aro duo to the noble hearted and puro minded girl alio puts from her the comforte com fortt of a homo and the companionship oc friends in order to the pillow of bickness and to cheer and aid tho buffering aud all illiquid know that they are wished right heartily atell by those alo cannot but envy their power hr bood kliora seems to be a great deal of unnecessary niya tery concerning llie future just before giulia anent ft as prorogued the homo secretary announced in reply to a question that lie had riven the necessary authority to tha uty corporation fur its demolition and it was then understood hat this procora would shortly take place one ninnor begat another uund at leneth the was circulated that the historic princa would speedily epe edily bo torn down and that the public bould be afforded an opportunity for looking ic before the process was begun A great number of peranna were BO persuaded of the truth of alie intimation that they applied personally and by letter to the authorities of the for permission to go over but much to their disappointment diacon ered thai the ws without foundation it is in act by no means cequin aa yet M hether tho city corporation will profit by the per miggion it sought for and obtained from the secretary and although a part of the prison may be destroyed iu order to malco room tor tho new buildings of the central criminal court no one ademi to know whether ever this will take place an encounter took place recently just tho district on alio atricia west coast between a email british force and a party ol 01 warboys kace Suly mali became a brit ial the place has been much more peaceful and trade has also improved some warlike natives however belonging to a district not included in the protectorate threatened to inalee a on alie place alie british officials at suly anah acio of this intention and bent iiga inet thein a party of eleven native police under an english of licer the party had a maxim gun with them on their arrival near alie country of the warboys war boys the police found that a bud been built and the mallm gun was placed so as to command this erection the warboys subsequently in arched out to the attack hon the gun HAS put in operation the effect was magical as theao of the natives who wore not I 1 killed turned and fled leaving lie i position in the hands of the police it is eaid that natives were killed while it is understood that alie force BU nerod no loss WA BH ICK alio banks ot new york hold twelve and a quarter millions in of detal it i now that the gib non A parish ire in chicago last did damage the at 8 this morning wao new york 28 chicago 32 st paul H new orleans 00 winnipeg 29 |