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Show "",i,'m,.i.. .'.. ' i 1 I - " (; "... :fo . ; f THE BINGHAM NEWS ',. --V Economy in Envelop If you seal ;onr Inter itid And 70a have left out the Inclosure, take the small Tod of a wooden onJ Insert under the rl.?ht-han- d end of the flap of the envelope. Then start to roll the penholder rarefully across un-til you reach the other end. It will nsnally work splendidly. ; r . I Bingham Garfield Railway Company Through Daily Package Car Service from Salt Lake City is operated in connection with the Union Pa-cific System. Semi-weekl- y iced refrigerator cars In cars in winter are summer and heated refrigerator operated for convenience of patrons receiving ship-ments of perishable freight. T. H. PER LEY WITS, A. W. MALY, Asst. Gen. Freight Agent, Agent Salt Lake City, Utah Bingham, Utah Houses for Sale If you have a Car you can work in Bingham and live in Lark. Ideal surroundings Fresh Air and Sunshine. I have some homes for sale See me Mrs. John Steel Lark Utah IPoERVICIl v Service that simply must 1)6 I'M r a n rvrDVN rendered with utmost con" W'ta if sideration- -is our vernin Vl I AIL ATTnrn I principle. We do everything to 1 TO DURING. , relieve you of worriment. I I O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Bingham Canyon Phone 17 Main Office, Salt Lake City. Phone Waiatch 4tl Music Anywhere ! and everywhere this summer if you take along Victrola 50. It it small, sturdy, compact, carried in one hand like a suitcase. ' i Plays any Victor Record, any time, any place, with true Vic-trola quality and amazing volume. See Us Before You Go on That Trip Murray Laundry We Use Artesian Water Better than the Best "NUFF SED" Seorge Streadbeck, Agent Phone 93 M. L. JAMES The Up-to-da- te Store , New Wasatch Hotel 'Sunshine in Every Room" For accomodations like home, stop at 78 WEST BROADWAY SALTLATTY 1 LARK MERCANTILE at ... I' ' 'I GENERAL MERCHANDISE FRESH AND CURED MEATS f ; ! LARK, UTAH I J TcT ywu. srvl Y ' 1 " '" 'SkPjcwtd. uou.'.tJl J. Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH - ... OFFICERS L. S. Cates, Pres. Sherman Armstrong, 1st Vice Pr. C. E. Adderly, Vice Pres. Arthur M. Thomas, Cashier - , , , B , 1 ' ! GAS that is Really Lias i Your Last Chance on Leaving Bingham ret To Get Oil and Gas for your Car Ss at Salt Lake City Prices ! V WE OPERATE TWO GROCERY STORES ;j Steve Amicone Grocery Co. gj.. 12 Main Street Bingham, Utah afr( k STOP AT THE Modern Hotel Neat, Clean and Home-like- . ' 530 Main St Phone 170 Bingham Bakery Co. Bread, Cakes and Pastry s of all kinds MADE IN BINGHAM I We Specialize in Wedding and Birthday Cakes. GIVE US ONE TRIAL AND YOU WILL FORGET THE SALT LAKE BAKER IES. j Phone 87 Bingham ..... j We Don't Care What Your S RELIGION iivs .ayi Is, But We Will Fix Your J SOLE t ian To Your Satisfaction un " CITY SHOE REPAIR SHOP Tn C Parodi. Propr. 533 Main Street em ABOVE CITY HALL L! When in Salt Lake stop at THE ALTON HOTEL Modern Clean Quiet Rates: $1.00 day and up Sam Lyte, Manager 138 Soith State That the word obey has been eli-minated it is said, all men will admit that no woman obeys her husband these days. s That we will not buy a book for the June bride which tells her how to use a can opener. ' That the Gem Theatre is crowded to its doors at every performance and the pictures are unexcelled. That the American Railway Ex-press Co., have announced cheaper rates. See the agent at the Bourgard Building; for new (duping rates. That Red must have felt blue over the publicity received after tg. zing to be secretive. But its a hard propo-sition when the "Frog Town," gang get wilted up. That there is a lot of people who could economise as well as the Pres-ident if they could see ballgames and picture shows free. That there is a lot of people who would like to become a member of the Lions Club if they could make a trip to the Eaxt like Editor Roberts of the Jordan Journal is goiitg to do. That there was once a time when then bankers wife or daughter was the only lady that could wear silk stockings. I - I Did It Ever i Occur toYou V "That the question with fishermen i i "Where to H is all the fish ; . that have been put in the rivers and ' streams." i That it is said that even the best I fishermen don't need a basket to put I thair fish in when they fish on the Provo, that even our bent f rienda who are capable fishermen are unable' to I distribute any this season, as yet. f I That maybe she wouldn't take the garters because of the bells. They can never sneak in on you if they are wora-- ' , . , ...UH I That Mac always leaves Bingham ' with the regrets of his friends. That some people have been Itick-- j ing about the cold long enough, now ; they have another chance to kick J about the heat. Why not have a story written for you to the weather nvan and published. 5 s That it is a great thing that every- - t body who think they are God Al- - mighty cant be so priviledged. That It is said that the secret of the 'Wandering Jew' has been solved. Looking for a "House to Rent" in Bingham , That love can be cooled off quick-ly with hot temper. That the parties who are always trying to get something for nothing usually get experience. That one and one are two, but if one and one should marry, there is chance in a year or two, there are two and one to carry. , That there are irtill people who ad- - 2 vacate buying everything hi Bingham yet send ont of town for the most 1 of everything they need themselves, c 11 That when you talk of gambling I when you buy a cantaloupe or a 1 watermnolon, it takes a chance. ' 2 That we didn't get that slice of 3 gooseberry pie that was promised. u .That when she went to SaU Lake 1 there were a number of questions asked. That if there is such good trout fishing in this state why are so many of our prominent fishermen arrang-ing fishing parties out of the state? That the Kiwanis picnics speak for themselves. That the best cure for a swelled head is a good dose of common sense. That from every indication it would seem that H. B. would sooner dance than eat chicken. Thut Dr. John Is by no means slow when it comes to elocution That if the telephone directory was printed in Bingham we would never have left out our Bingham subscribers. That Miss Grace Chandler, the pleasing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chandler, is one of the most capable entertainers in the Bingham district. That the fellow that blows his own horn never knows what it sounds like. That the man who is out of a job cant realize where prosperity is un-til he notices the big high priced cars running through Bingham. That there are linotypers that can't spell any better than their bosses. That one handed car driving is get-ting more popular every day on the Bingham highway. That the greatest problem is what to do with a speeder, tuke him to a jail or to an asylum. That an open mind and an open mouth don't work well together. That a pair of beautiful eyes are alright, but sometimes they need looking into. That brains are needed more than wosdom teeth. That talk requires neither money or brains. That we saw a couple of magpies while on the road to Dry Fork, Mon-day evening, and they certainly did chatter. That fools are always anxious to change places when they are boat riding. u - 1 Rising Young Star Fond of Cooking Claiborne Foster, that clever little lady who makes Barry Connors' play, "Applesauce," the out-standing comedy suc-cess of the year, Is an extraordinary young woman. She Is gener-ally recognized ss one of the rising young stars of the American stnge and ber services and company are always In demand but such Is ir-- "" I A Vv&0 J V"7s 1 her nature that she shuns the "bright lights" and leads a sim-ple and unosten-tatious life wher-ever she may be. She Is essentially a home Bin. belns Claiborne Foster, passionately fond of cooking, an art at which she Is very adept, and much of ber leisure time Is spent in the modest little kitchenette of ber apartment Whea not playing In some production, Miss foster may be found at her home a short distance from New York city, where she revels In the Joys of cook-ing for the whole family and ber friends and spends her vacations do-ing the work of the ordinary house-wife. - There are two dishes which are re-garded with more favor bj Miss ros-ter, than are any others. These are Bronk shrimps and chicken en casser-ole. She uses the simplest of formu-las but Insists npoo the purest of In gredlents, using pure butter, and evap-orated milk. The recipes that she uses are: Bronk Shrimps, t cupa ahrlmpa, Yolks t ears canned or frh M cup vinorU 4 tbap. fat milk H tap. salt H cup watr Faw sralna ear- - 1 tbap. flour ana t tap. lemon Jutoa Clean the shrimps, and cook In half the fat for 2 minutes; add seasoning and lemon ; cook 2 minutes longer. Re-move shrimps and make a whits sauce of the remaining fat, flour and milk; when thickened add yolks of eggs slightly beaten, stirring In quickly and cooking two minutes ; add the shrimps. Chicken an Caeaerole. 1 lander chlckea 1 cup evaporated (or roaatlns milk , It tbap. butter 1 tbap. chopped tbap. lard parsley Salt and pepper t cupa chopped j 1 pint hot water muahrooma I Clean chicken, split down back, and I lay breast upward In casserole. Spread I fat over breast, dust with salt and pep-- 1 per, add hot water, cover closely anilfl cook In hot oven one hour. When! nearly tender put In evaporated mllk.l rjuilirooms and parsley. Cover again,! and cook 20 minutes longer. Serve J hoc In casserole. I r BlUt One becomes ued to the frank dis-plays of marital leliclty, pre and post, that occur on the top of Fifth avenue busses. Here is a slight variation. The young man had Just visited the barber and was describing the details to hi wife. Finally words failed him off came his hat and his shlulng head was placed tinder his wife's nostrils that she might Inhale the arouia of the hair tonic to which be had succumbed. New York Sun. Spanith Treasure Revealed After thirty years George W. Haw-kins of Setauket, Long Island, N. I, has revealed the fact that he has dug up a number of Spanish gold coins, tear by year he disposed of them to -- numismatists at a premium, there be-ing 100 In all. He discovered the coins while digging holes for bean poles in 1894. Kemnants of a canvas bag were found. The coins were dated 1770. Afusf Not Be Overdone Admonition must descend, as the dew upon the tender herb, or like melting flakes of snow; the softer It falls, the longer It dwells upon aad the deeper It sinks Into the mind. Seed. |