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Show ! RICHMOND NEWS spent Sunday evening in Amal-ga, Amal-ga, where they enjoyed a birthday birth-day dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lower, in honor of the birthday anniversary anni-versary of Mrs. Lower. Several friends and neighbors of Mrs. Cyrus Spackman, took lunch and went to her home Friday afternoon where an enjoyable en-joyable afternoon was spent. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pulsipher and family have moved into the Amos Bair home, which they recently re-cently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Bair and family have moved inty the Martha Ellsworth home. Mrs. Francis Christensen of Brigham City, has returned to her home, after a pleasant visit here with friends and relatives' ivirs. nana j. Merrill nas returned re-turned home from a visit at) Malad, Idaho, where ' she has been visiting with her daughter Mrs. Thomas Richards and family. fam-ily. Elder Donald Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, has returned home from a mission, mis-sion, spent in Sweden and the Central States. He reports that his labors In the mission field were thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs. Ed Small is receiving medical medi-cal treatment in the Brigham City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Robinson Mr.- and Mrs. H. S. Nelson of Preston, Idaho, were Friday even ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Sorenson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Merrill |