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Show LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. William Hurren and son Wendel J who recently returned from a two vear in the Central States, spent the week at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young and daughter of Manti, Utah, were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adrain Toolson on Wed nesday. Mrs. Martha Sorensen spem t..e week visiting with her sister Mrs Joseph Sorensen at Salt Lake. Mr. Donald Blanchard of Los Angeles, An-geles, California, spent the week visiting with his parents Mr. and Mr. A. D. Blanchard. Mrs. G. L. Rees entertained Sunday at her home for Mrs. Helen Toolsonwho was celebrating cel-ebrating her birthday anniversary. anniver-sary. Luncheon was served ' at i " i""g tame covered with a 6 1 banquet cloth and centered with ja crystal bowl of Daffadills and J I greenery. Those included were dlMadames Robert Griffiths, Wil-jjliam Wil-jjliam Cantwell, T. B. Farr T W Jarvis, J. E. Shaffer, ' Rinda ! Chambers, Helen Toolson and the hostess. An afternoon of Bridge Ihvas enjoyed. High score prize ij was W01 by Mrs. T. W. Jarvis . and Mrs. Toolson was presented f with a gift. Mrs. Bramley Farr 0f Salt Lake City is visiting at the home i of her Parents Mr. and Mrs. W. I A. Hansen. , Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hansen I announce the birth of a daugh- ter . Born Sunday April 7 th Mrs. Hansen was formerly Miss Laura Chambers. President A. W. Chambers and Leo Nielsen are attending a convention con-vention in Texas this week I . |