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Show Washington Current Comment Ciiuitrnin tin- ;irti!ul.i of mind known as "economy", the J I r j u .-. i I,. -.j, nuni- iin liin-il t !i :f n the pi-nate I.') ti::!'T'r. l!ie ""iiii'i. Tin. fri-ii KiviTit in the lower body, nevenhide-s, ' 1 1 -1 r- v.iiy v, hen Hi'- ri port of 1 1 . Appropriations Com in il tee ai neiil il'b-il lo tin- I'lH-jl of ailiiing 117 li.iliion dollars to lio-IiioIloi lio-IiioIloi e i ini i ! tor the ('('(', ;i tl uitivity v. f teat popll!arii y. A rever. il of He- llni ... union i-, not ex;ieneii. Thu inireas will! make it . . 1 , 1 1 1 i i-oiitiniie i In; lii'te.-ii hniidred camps already in' opi-rnt ion, j Jaii, in i.s di it urbed over the fact that the "United States is thin-' king nf strengthening iiri mival force in the Philippines, and says that the "i nest ion" in thus and so. One is inclined to wonder what question may properly he raised. After all, the islands are xnbxt initially fulled States territory. Hitler and Stalin have atU emiiteil to ioiularize the notion that nar.ional defence by countries other than those over which they rule, gives ground for protest or (lui'liiin. There Is no International census taker whose inquiries have to be answered. It should be possible for a nation, as well as an individual, to maintain self respect in the face of the process pro-cess which is commonly known as sticking in an oar. A Nazi publication in Berlin conies forward with the argument that the shedding of blood in war is a good thing because itper-petuates itper-petuates a bold manhood and all the virtues that make men ad-mlrablu ad-mlrablu to women. A Gallop poll among the widows and orphans might yield Interesting figures. It is to be suspected that such a SrroilO Would ho nni. InlnfQt-lrwl 1 o i i .1 1 daddy plowing the back lot, than in a more militant one in the burying ground. Regarding possible candidates for the Presidential nominations tho arrival of favorite sons is offset now and then by indications that here and there is someone who has no ambition to arrive On the Democratic side, Senator Clark of Missouri is outspoken. In tho Republican camp, Mr. Landon will head the Kansas delegation, a circumstance which is interpreted to mean that his name is not to go 011 the ticket. Taken as one mairs view. Rep. Tinkham of Mnssachuselt thinks that Dewey is not the, right man, alleging that ho is a supporter of the Adminstratiou's foreign policy: whereas where-as the friends of Mr. Dewey feel that he is the only person who can throw an effective scare into his political enemies, and make the scare good. So far, no Democratic possibility is being opposed on tho ground that lie lias leanings toward the other side. Those who would see Mr. Garner in the White House call for an open-minded open-minded convention. Failure to mention other names is no indication ..." ...c ....... nij HIE 1UOIU5 gl UU1IU. Britain and France lately have entered into a new agreement by the terms of which they are more strongly united to a community comm-unity of action in all spheres for the reconstruction, with the aid of the other nations, of an international order which will assure peace in Europe, and a decent regard for law. Neither of the con-, con-, t(racting parties will negotiate peace or an armistice without the consent of the other. It i,s certain that the outcome of the Finnish war was a jolt for the Allies, and it is true that each of them has to deal with a party that is lukewarm to the notion of seeing tho war through at, any cost: yet it appears that both England and France have come through what may be regarded as the disappointments dis-appointments of the past, with a fortified mind respecting the future. By the narrow margin of 44 to 41 the Senate defeated the Titt man amendment requiring ratification of reciprocal trade agreements. ag-reements. It was victory for Secretary of State Hull and the Administration Ad-ministration hard fought, it is true, and no landslide or walkover but a victory none the less. ' |