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Show -four Old Woolens Go Into New Rugs 0V is the time to use every f L scrap of old woolen goods that ?ou have on hand. That old coat the moths got into; the dress from x'hich spots cannot be removed; the trousers that are ragged at the knees all of the material in Flight red i fv' AMD ROSE HOOKED Y. RUG . A FLIGHT-MEDIUM DESIGN I AND DARK BLUE ADAPTED 3r FROM - 7 BACKGROUND CHINTZ .LIGHT AND DARK TAN it i - j- , -i iuese may oe maae lnio nanasome-aooked nanasome-aooked rugs that you will be proud io own. The square rug in the sketch ;vas designed to fit in a smart dressing table corner. The rose-and-ribbon design in the chintz skirt and window valance was copied in making a border anoT center flower for the rug. NOTE: This illustration is from BOOK-to BOOK-to which also gives directions for three ther rag rugs that you may make en irely from things on hand, as well a Jirections for making slip covers and re y modeling old furniture. To get copy ol ; 300K 10 send 15 cents direct to: MRS. RTJTII WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hills New York Drawer 10 Enclose 15 cents for Sewing Book No. 10. Name Address G four mops IF Y0IIE1 EI0S1 ; 'CLOSES W" TQMIGE1? Put 3-purposVa-tro-nolupeach nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irritation, (3) relieves transient nasal congestion con-gestion . . . and brings greater breathing comfort. llife Follow the complete Wlfti3 K VATRO fiOL Fmmwmhm Protect and ease abrased skin with Me-sana, the PHAFF soothing, medicated pow- V II ft I Im de-. Also relievo burning, ANNOYS itching, of irritated sku f SNAPPY FACTS j ABOUT J) RUBBER More than 25 American automotive auto-motive companies are making military vehicles for United States soldiers and our Allies and they have first call on tires and other rubber items. Forty thousand additional miles have been obtained from Individual tires In use ot Camp Stoneman because of the tire-saving campaign In force there since rubber became scarce. No tricks just plain tire care and ' recapping at the right time. An 875-pound electric magnet attached to an electric truck "sweeps" the floors of a munitions mu-nitions factory of steel litter and serves the double purpose pur-pose of salvaging metal and preventing tire punctures. pBTGoodrich - . uas on stomach Relieved In 5 minutes or double money back I When excess stomach acid causes painful, saffocat- ' ntr (fas, sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-actinff medicines known for symptomatic relief medicines like those in Bell-ana Tablets No laxative. Bell-ans brintrs comfort in m Jiff? or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all drugg-isu. "To relieve distress of MONTHLY Female Veakness Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Com-pound Is made especially or women to help relieve periodic pain with Its weak, tired, nervous, blue feellnRS due to functional monthly disturbances. dis-turbances. Taken refnilarly Plnkham's Compound Com-pound helps build up resistance t against such symptoms. Here Is a i product that helps nature and that's the kind to buy! Famous for almost a century. Thousands upon thousands of women have reported ' : benellts. Follow label directions. Worr'i tryinol LYD1A E. PINKHAM'S SS |