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Show OM-Time Favorites . That Put Zest Into Meals By Kchcrine Fiil.er Director, Good Housekeeping Institute ' I am strong in my conviction that American cookery has never heen Slven tl: plac, it AcM:r,K, lh, ,,ts. The pLm fo, 7ook7ng u,u ully .,,.s to franco, tut I b!i-:ve tnat even the must exacting Kour-n.e Kour-n.e v..,u,i haye m, l.rsuauM, ,n a-vard,,, it now anj iht-n to some of our fr"'',K'7 "' A prooX ol this contention, litre are the recipes for a lew guou old stano-bys. Chicken Pic (Tested by Good lUule.-;.:xg liistii.nt) llae Imtilute-approvrd mtnmrinK cum and spoeiu. I,Ic:iurc level. P " ' 1 4"",'- "i-'lti-n, Urt-said C tLsu. flour , : ttnii cut u i j ; . . I 2 l-!'. .-.;ul c- c'1R,'it'n broth ' i 2 ccli'ry 1 c. tup miik ' ' i 1- :,ni-i!l v. hitn or.iins II-' I; iii-peu-i!cr- ! . 6 biscuit douKh ' i . :-'i.-':f)i'.T cl.'ckr-n. n:ill. nnj celery, ruvcivd. in bnil. '.; lntr e, c.v. r, 1 tu 1 lir ;.. or until tender. Add """ "' --l-.i.-ki-n i Inlf dune. I;,, chicken, cut " iLiriiiieL- wiiii i.iucn, in n l'.,,t. ca.sscruie. Mrit i in a laniiiie lnjilci-; mid l!-ur ; .stir smooth. Add j ' : ":it(l ihick. ncd. Season, pour v, "'I,1' ,' , ,": ,T"" wrh h.'ilcn;:-, Hviier-biscuit c!oi:h " "-""'d '," thick, and cut iv. 11, a doue-hnut cutter, l're- KATHARINE FISHER E'i A Bake ' hul ve of Director of . C''"'u""'"' Suuleed Onions (Tested by Good Housekeeping Institute) Use Institute-approved measuring cups and spoons. Measure level. 12 peeled medium 1 c fat onions Salt' Slice the onions y " thick. Cook slowly in the hot fat in a skillet, for 25 to 30 m,n.. or until tender and Eolden brown, turning frequently. Sprinkle with salt and serve will, hamburger bulls, liver, steak, etc. Serves 6. To serve i ur .( make half this recipe. I'.ir I reneh Fried Onions, slice 6 lame onions ' thick. Separate into rincs : dip each r.nK lirst ,n milk, then in seasoned ll.mr. l ry about"" o 3 ff"J- f r "l"' " lV0ia bread bfown, make half urrecTpe'!"'"" ""Q hU S'r 6' T 2 Pan Fried Fish (Tested by Good Housekeeping institute) Small whole fish, fish IVIilk stei.ks. or fillets ' Corll n,cal Fat or oil Select cleaned small fish flounders, or brook trout, or steaks such as c? Ze X, "iiff"Sh ", Ui" in ,". ."nd "'"' 1 clrn meal? com pSe?y ' " " 1 ' r'ac.s. Saute in a skillet in a " layer of hot fat over medium J :' ! ;"111. I"" '" un-Ier side. Then turn carefully with Abroad sp. u I , and eon inue cookin,: until eolden brown and tender, allowing about 7 lo I mm. for the total cooking dependinsr on the thickness of the fish Serve mmediately on a hot platter. Accompany with slices of tomato, cucumber o? cornnuai:'80" " '" CTUI"ba m"y be 8ubs"""id tor thj Devil's Food Cake (Tesltd by Good Housekeeping Institute) Use Institute-approved measuring cups and spoons. Measure leveL , jVJ",'? I'je. sifted eake flour i 1c. granulated sugar 1 tsp. baking soda '1 I 'f? fW"" . 1 tsp. baking powder A I 2 "" ? ra ' ." tsp. salt ; f,"t, ChC" c. sour milk or I, I late, me ted buttermilk I 2 eggs, unbeaten 1 tsp. vanilla extract - t,..,FrCa,'V-1,?rtCnln? 1 min- '"en add the sugar gradually with the electric ?.K " i,'E . S"d- ScrpS bowl ; ocat 1 min- Stir w"er and chocolate If h : 3nil'".TJcd'U,ra BJMd-. Add eBCS' bMtinK 1 hih speed afte? 2Sh fdb ,Add Slfted ?' inK"dits. alternately, with milk and vani " of each at a time at low speed. Scrape bowl ; beat few seconds Bake n greased pan 8 x 8" x 2" in moderate oven of 350 F. 60-60 For hind method, follow usual procedure. 8 a Apple Tapioca - j (Tested by Good Housekeeping Institute) Use Institute-approved measuring cups and spoons. Measure level ' e. granulated sugar y tsp. nutmeg Vi tsp. salt , , c. quick-cooking 8 c- pared, tapioca cored apples JVj c. boiling water Cream i . Com.b'ne the sugar, salt, and Upioca In a double boiler. Add the boillna! ! water while sHrrlng. and cook over hot water until the tapioca i, transparent about 5 min.-atlmng frequently. Add the nutmeg and apples, and pour Jo?,lVred CO'ered Y?-- bk,inK di8h- Bak! in "Oderat. o, of 360" for 1 hr. 15 min.. or until the apples are Under. Serve hot or cold with crear Sv To serve 2 or 8 make half this recipe. The apples may bThled' ! Specials For Sat. Au". 3 j MARSHMALL0WS 14 PA- FJNS0 LAUGE PACKAGE go,! j SOAP LUX TOILET' 3 BARS jgjj SOAP MFEUUOV HEALTH, 2 BARS jj J LUX FLAKES lgkkaGB, 22c SPRY :i ,,ul ( VN 55c KERRUDS rEltDOZE : J j KERR CAPS 23c j JAR RlFBRS ,,At'KA 12 J I GLEAHSER uu,1'r" 3 cax8 J J JUICE M0XTE' "DAPPLE 2 CANS jjjJ SLEDDED WHEAT -10c j SALMON 1HAj HONTE liED rALh CAV 25c I PUFFED WKEAT w jgJ i JELL0 rEU rUK- J J SHRIMPS 15LVE PI ATE-lmy pack tall CAX 13c j SOAP V AXD G AUXimY, G C.IAXT BARS PORK & BEANS FAKi0-1MUiK CAX Iflc I TISSUE m--3km 25c IC0SLAE5S DRISK ASST- l'AVOKS 2 FOR gj I I 0EV2LEO KEAT LA SAIXK' 3 CAXS 10' I SALAD DjSESSSKG ciIIAX1)-gUAKT ,AK B I GAE FLOI'R kwax'm 27c PANCAKE FLOUR 28 oz- cKagb 20c SUGAR 1,owkki, a wow ..: id OLIVES STAU mi'H, TALL CAV jgj COFFEE M J- OXE tod c.w 27c I GCR FLAKES r',A,!GO-2 - 9c WE UAVE A TOMPLKTK MXH OF rRTKB-WAS gAfCV AND FMAVBIt BKK18 A CS?j?LETE VARIETY OF GREEN VEC5ETASLES 1!..NNI01X l'AI'XS AM) CM0ANKKS GHtkeMeat&Groflfl $mt?W WM AIM 1 .k; I RECHOW-MORTOM is a pleasure in these braw ( t. Scotch k Gram V:-3 Crosby Square Shoes Proudly strides the man who wears keeping with the season's fashion these handsome Crosby Squares, trend) these shoes are patterned For if he were to see himself as after fine custom-made originals. Mothers see him, a smartly shod gen- Sturdy construction assures you tieman would meet his eye. Made many a mile of comfortable wear. of choice Scotch Grain, and rugged Join the happy clan. ' u the Highlands themselves (in Get your pair now. A advertiiad Qrt!rUuiUuoK)y CA'ri m tiqulre aad xot i'ifQ i T Sctaro'ay O iftiiz llig Pott. () |