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Show Mrs. Carl Clawson entertained the Book Luree Literary club at her home Friday evening. A short business meeting was conducted by President Bessie Heaps. Mrs. Bert Reese reviewed the book, "Centennial "Centen-nial Summer," by Albert E. Idell. Special guests were Mrs. Sarah Corbridge and Mrs. Lavena Deppe. Refreshments were served 15 club , members and the two special j guests. The last literary club meeting will be at the nome of Mrs. Bert Reese of Beison. Mr. and Mrs. Reed W. Hartvig. sen of Chicago, 111., are the guests of Mrs. Hartvigsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harwood. Mr. Hartvigsen is attending the North Western University Dental school. Mrs. Hartvigsen is the. former ' Doris Harwood. Lieutenant and Mrs., L. S. Mc-' Cann of Lincoln, Neb., are visiting visit-ing with Lieutenant McCann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mc-Cann Mc-Cann and Mrs. McCann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Haslam of Logan. Lieutanent McCann is the first pilot of an army transport. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Halverson announce the arrival of a son horn recently in California. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green and children of Ogden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson and family on Sunday. Mrs. Ren Smart entertained on Friday afternoon her bridge club. Luncheon was served to Mrs. George Rasmussen, Mrs. Leo Nil-son, Nil-son, Mrs. Wendel Spencer, Mrs. J. C. Perkins, Mrs. Paul Greaves, Mrs. Seth Godfrey, and Mrs. Clate Raymond and Mrs. Gwen Ewing. High score prize was won by Mrs. Seth Godfrey and low score prize by Mrs. J. C. Perkins. Miss Lucille Roylance is spending spend-ing the week end at Salt Lake City. ! First Lieutenant Clair Reid Is visiting with his wife, Mrs. Jenna Low Reid and two daughters. Lt. Reid has completed 35 mis-I mis-I sions over enemy territory and is the first pilot of a B-17. Lt. Reid has been stationed in, England. Donald Jac-kson who left for I the navy was extensively entertained enter-tained last week. On Tuesday, Mr. , and Mrs. Glen Tout gave a din- ner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Jack-son. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Will Parson entertained the Jacksons, Thursday evening a no host party par-ty was given at the Bott camp in Logan canyon. A steak dinner I was served to the honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr .and Mrs. Bob Fulkerson, and Mr. and j Mrs. Glen Tout of Smithfield, Mr. ' and Mrs. Bert Reese and Mr. and ; Mrs. Wilf Parson of Benson, Mr. ' and Mrs. Jack Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Von Everton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parson and Mrs. June Had. field of Logan. The evening was spent in playing cards. Friday evening Mrs. bod uiair oi .Liewis-ton .Liewis-ton who is a sister to Mr. ' Jackson Jack-son entertained at a family dinner. Those present were, the honored guests. Mr. Jackson and wife and the M. W. Jackson family and the hostess and family. |