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Show breaches widen until a small force can march in ancl seize the state. It lias happened before. It can happen again. And it will happen hap-pen to us unless we use care in preventing it. We must man the ramparts in the hour of calm as watchfully as in the heat of battle. bat-tle. We must stand shoulder to I shoulder in the reconstruction of j the world, never slackening in our I , fifiht against divisive influences, i j We must remain on guard to pre-1 j serve our unity. I In the words of that great spokesman of unity, General Smuts "Let us go forward in peace as 1 we did in our adversity as united unit-ed fellow citizens in a free world." won?" f m,rs' 11 iH'ing won, but '" w.nnlnK we can sutler a bit:er defeat. Of what avail s n pyr vhis victory. The unity which Krew up overnight when we were "tt'u-lcod is showing signs of be-too be-too quick a construction job "to are cracks across it and t o breaches in the walls brought "bout by group hatreds and pre-Indices pre-Indices have not been mended. Listen to the peoplo talk t Nonce how quick they are to blame their neighbors for all 'hat is troublesome. rve had tluve examples of this recently. u,b01' man, whom I had always al-ways counted on as being as conservative con-servative as myself, showed me a want example of self-interest on the part of one Arm, and said Tins js the attitude of industry. indus-try. Another man whom I have " ways respected for Ms fairness startled me by his generalized denunciation of all labor after an outlaw strike condemned by labor la-bor it,elf. A third man made me s.ck at heart by a virulent diatribe against minority groups. Those are cracks in the wall. These are the signs of danger. Hie greatest peril, however, will come when the siege halts and the men are withdrawn from the walls. Then if we , let it happen, disunity will divide us into small self-seeking groups. Then will the EN GARDE! "What house Is so strong or wlat state so enduring that it cannot be utterly overthrown by animosities and divisions?" So rote Cicero nearly two thousand Mars ago. "A warning against divisive tac-tlcsi tac-tlcsi again"' you will say. "But don't you know the war is being |