Show CARBON MAINTAINS sacredness OF OWN GOAL LINE JORDAN only scores Rp recorded corded are touchdown by ruff and Kick by improvement made by team is gratifying Gratify in that barbaa munty again has a football of cb calibre woe was proven to the hun bun deeds of fact packing the at the carbon jordan game lut lost the local eleven plad excell Vat ball to triumph over the heel beet find keep their own goal line ainer good the core was carbon 10 0 jordan 0 alit n IC Car carbon bort team of friday was wa one in mth every position poU ln of the eleven was wan well falle A bat improvement v as noted over olver the playing which the carbon gania tamo brought forth good ni that was wa for or a tarter starter it necessary to t uee use and Jeri lq if nearly every play while the team wai WAS on the offense thomas aa and ruff carried tle the ball like vitar vi ter an ans and frequently made gains 1 wb rh t If alftan floss und and eero were stopped li it to run piny plays through one side ida of the line because the other it open up hoice holes nn an I 1 it wa was only a matter of a before tl a e opposing train team found it coull coul I 1 not drive through the tenter of the carbon line or got any other place in an effort to ef fret feet a bifi big rain gain much of the ere re lit for winning ef of the game goeb to quarterback ruff pity PI ty ing hie him ceaud second cotest co testa test he not only ran in a highly commendable man aler but in the middio middle of the he leonil second period reeled off a long run through it broken mid that resulted in the only touchdown of the gartie game he fie picked his way by and around would be tack lor lar ellke an old band land at the stunt umpire bingham dingham unintentionally inter later ferrold with the safety irn min juet just be fore ruff went over the goal oal line it wa was unfortunate that the jordan lad should have been beet hindered in lot his ef fort to get got the fleeting little quarterback I 1 but it is doubtful 1 if he lie would have tren buff had ball too goat aa a k on mm and waa was too near earning A dehe ich in he the hall ball of famo faille to be 5 ez paw affe effective uvo the enly only other more of the fluno a 70 7 o united in n the third ceriol when res tor tar Kirk kirkpartick pattick dropped baic from front renter long enough to draw hie his nights and booted a place hick kick over tile lie bar from the 17 yard line A play that worked without d single ext exception eption daring during the entire first half and resulted tn lit not only long gaine gains tul buk 4 lessening of the jor jar dun morals through borough the inability of its it players to break it vy uli waa was the favit nus million dollar play tune time mid and this triple lack back of the line live of was pulled off with alth unerring precision ran will reniero bar that ir 1 was juet just such a play that in barbon ac coring its fart against mom a two wa ago injuries in the fourth period to joan Is rime wine and 1 R nece their that removal rei naval onto tern h he rame supplied tu attles toy for anti thorne to item on their ability they placed well filling the vacancies vac anclee left bv their a nom ie in great etyle style jordan at its it bot boat right fight nt it the tart start of the game carbon made 1 the kiak aki k off jens jenen in returning to the thirty yard line birk anshaw an I 1 canning hit the line for ten teu ards and a urit flown down more plays through the line gained eight jenen jensen punted out of bounds on car non Is 10 yard line with Rauh tia and Jean jancan Janc ln doglii moat most of the currying curr ving of the ball it was aduan advanced ced 17 7 yards before Kirk patriel puntoni to jordn jordans 15 yard liin lino Jenft en returned 12 yard yards bordan was wa held tin annl kicked downed on carbon carbons 18 yard line je anselme gained nine yard yards around end carbon fumbled on the next play and anti jordan the ball on the 24 yard line A pass was grounded and play plays off tackle bainet anime yards jensen dropped back and attempt attempter el a drop top kirk kick which was vas blocked jean Tl ioina bill aill Ita hit the line for 11 yard yards an I 1 a first down as the tile quarter ended it buff ruff gets away kirkpatrick punted to Jo ot ilane inn a 40 yard line Birken enaw furn fumbled bled and it aras carbone carbons hall ball demman wa was pen alibel for holding ant an I 1 jeanselme Jean seime child gain but bilt div five varde yards kirkpatrick punt e el I 1 to the th 26 ard line two play plays later jensen re the kick Rau rautiala liala re ithe turning 10 yards to tho middle of the fiel 1 jeanselme Jeani eime made two gains of nine and anti 13 yard dively only the a izety man jeneen jensen was between him anil suit the goal 1 on the leeond play jensen nailed him neatly jordan caine I 1 of the ball on a fu fumble mlle but after failure to rain gain jensen punted pointed rauhala gainel 18 yards on the million dollar ply 10 be ing brought to earth on jordan jordans 48 46 yard line Teana elino hit lilt bigit tackle for eight yard yards ant and thomai for two then ruff yel around right end to a touchdown kirkpatrick kicked goal punta punts were exchanged during tho the bal bat ance of the qu quarter artere A pass pa je to jame james gained 10 yard yards jut just As a the whistle bounded sounded with the ball in the middle of the field thomas nt at the beginning of the third period returned 22 yar la Is to tho the 30 yard line on cin the kickoff carbon gained nine yards and kirkpatrick punted from the middle of the field jenen jensen grounded a long apson davis intercept ed the next attempt putting the bal ball into ploy play on carbons Carbo iia bayari 41 yard line then with a erlee series of off tackle play plays and enl run runs the carbon baskfield baek field player players rushed thi the ball to within five yard yards of ol the jordin goal before being heAl headed letL with fourth dowa dowls and root kirkpatrick dropped back and booted boated A 0 beat at place kick that made tho the score 10 a 0 at whit ithie theme e ended buff rot IS keff to carbon 48 vart JW tipped between if atef tabu t and end a r SS yard whee arken joi 11 W kirk put pati rk r k ta 11 td kick on to 11 aw nd j adnot ma 06 nd thome thomas and vi 1 balli taft nd fautt 9 11 do il it jordan Jorl hin Is 40 yard ina 1 I tair na 1 henoen boyani go tO yards yanI Tl iuar ter i ndell ndel t two passers wre wove efin lion tile tl ewid one ca kt wet for wath the pro re rt r that latt nit we hall bau on ann a 29 yard line two pais pa WW we aud and jensen and greer but a leant mat ahr three yards yah so jensen all a dror drap icicle kick it went wil wi 1 e of the stan d dadili ats advanced ball 55 yards arom the SO yard carbon carton line car bon player players started tar tel a march down the lid idill I that carried them for 3 carls it was wa A costly drive through result ins ing in tt 0 jeanselme Ja neline and batih ala RIA that celled called tor for their removal from the game the bl bria woe was lost on down downs when within 25 yard farla of the borlan goal jensee olt of dauger to mid flat fiell I 1 with huff ruff and alvardo carrying the ball 19 9 vard yards were albl ed A fumble nimble bit lod lo d five ant then thea kirkpat alik punted ont of 0 bounds on a 12 vard yard line tensia a returned the kick a ai a I 1 agila carva wj was beld kift it t rick ick kirke kickel 1 back nn tin over ver tie t roal goal i line another exchange of kick kicks oe oc currad jut just an nit the gaine ended i lineup and summary arian ji lan position lon carbon monahan lo 10 dayis avis C lareen larsen it mathia eck 1 I ly demman gardner e Nr adley rg M larsen Lw raen rt ela elardo rdo re same jensen ab ruff birkenshaw abb webster abb Ra canning fb thomas thom 23 substitutions jordan oldham for or Dir birkenshaw ilagan for Wiil lev bashaw for oldham jacobsen Jacobe cn for can ning greer for 0 laren larsen oldham for Birken birkenshaw show carbon arson for or jean seline line thorne for bathala fi coring carbon touchdown ruff place kich kick Kirk kirkpatrilk patriek place kick after touchdown acore by pir ioda carbon 0 7 3 4 0 10 jordan jorann 0 0 ft 0 0 6 0 officials Official as referee Ke feree fox umpire bingham cad Itne emin olat ohan u |