Show maj favorite stories IRVIN L S COBB advice to charlie chaplin laet lost spring when hen general neville the hero of the defense of verdun wae was hie his tour of america lie be v as the tiie guest of honor at tit a big public reception la in one of the lo 10 angeles invited to meet 1 hotels among amon g those the he distin J au i visitor bere ere ane ne pore t prominent t members of f the dov in ing picture colon at the doors of ger aeral nevilles Ne Tilles enate j all ill ito rogers ers met charlie chaplin choplin who w ito in I 1 binate life Is 1 a re ten ed and rather rn ther shy little naan man was as considerably up oer the prospect ahead of pf him film 1 I 1 sup suppose a ere expected to fray say a few fjords to the general he confided to 11 hi ili t for the life ot of roe ine I 1 can c t think of the beet best way to peart the correr bation kogar eme gae to the problem a moment of earnest consideration well he lie bald said you might us 0 1111 it he was in the ar and find ridel side be he uns tan on om copyright by th central I 1 there has h been a great deal mid said in the ue papers about aaning aK ass ning to take cor of prohibition en in chicago it would mould beant that be a R bettar W rd 1 |