Show fire rim prevention urged asme tittle tow the visitor visitors the principal et at the he near awa was A J lee who sav 0 pire ahre a has hi been besne bus busl aest ne far for tb te ever tine pinto the alalu fron from the oleary cow heu shed to NO otter built Lulli ling linga la lit a chicago took a t II 11 I 1 of baere anu lives and tot cost t 11 e fly ha dollar dollars la in property damage declared air ur lee thit fruat tire ii Is now with the anea of a national 11 fire 1 pre aeration ve ration week by the irel priest dent and by governors go vernora for the I 1 he yeek ot of october 9 lie ile arged o 0 the rotarians lans to aal let the committee in charge of fire tire nit neda eek y having members make she chort I 1 t talk talks afore the schools oe hool and t to ange a program pro grau tt for ti tais vent event busine 8 men have BOW abandoned the old b belief ell that fire concerti only the fire insurance companies tom paule baid said mr lee ra a aug ii greeting what wight might be done hero in III the way of firo prevention prevent loi be aati the ommittee should bo able to make with regard to safety of manufacturing processes us the tile storage of materials mater lali and the actus construction or of every employer hould should arrange for some competent piroa pur tion in his organic ion lion to make regular r reports of tho ft 1 1 7 S I 1 1 a 1 own nearly building luil build inq lne war aft 1 n s wid af |