Show OF SALE OF PROPERTY SOLD TO CARBON county FOR 1913 AND 1914 TAXES AND NOT REDEEMED whereas carbon county has received tax deeds on thu following real estate which v has bf ert eold sold to carbon county for 1913 and 1914 1014 taxes and the time timo for redeeming galil said property has expired now therefore notice is hereby given that in pursuance of section of the compiled Compi lel laws of utah 1917 1017 the county commissioners of carbon county will offer for eale sale to the highest bidder for cash at the north door of the coun bounty ty court house at carbon county utah all the right title and interest of the ot of utah county of carbon and anti all rif ather her taxing or districts interested therein to the real estate listed below 1 11 said sale will commence on saturday the slut day of may A D 1019 at 10 A M in no easy casu will wid any of 0 the he real estate be sold sola for a sum UM lesi than taxes interest and cost accused to date by order oriter of the board of county commissioners nerv of carboa county state of utah made and entend on the ath day of april A D 1011 1910 ignall 11 C SMITH clerk of C carbon irbon county utah lot 2 block 0 scofield townsite tc survey fled utah assessed in the libe name of A E E greenhalgh north halt half of southeast giar quarter ter section 10 township 12 south ranga 7 east cast S L M containing 80 acres assessed in the name namo of utah coal and coke company Cen pany southwest quarter of northwest quarter northwest quarter of southwest quarter section 11 township 12 south range 7 east S L M containing 80 acres assessed in the name of utah a coal coke co lot 18 block 4 Prat tiT survey of welby townsite te helper afi per utah assessed in the name of joo joe burjo northeast quarter of northeast quarter vr section 14 township 13 south range 0 9 east S L N assessed in the name of N T aunts aunis beginning 50 south of northwest vorner jorner of lot 2 block it tidwell a or local survey in section 10 t enship 14 south ranee range 10 east theme bouth 50 10 feet thence east feet thence north 50 feet thence west feet to beginning lot 2 block 1 local survey price utah assessed in the oame name of lawrence johnson feet east and feet north of southwest corner of section 10 township 14 south tange 10 east thence east 33 one half feet thence north feet thence west 35 one half feet thence feet to beginning block 0 6 local survey price utah assessed in the name mame of anderson south lulf hilt southwest quarter and boath half of southeast quarter section b township 12 south range 11 task ikast S L M assessed in n the name of f V F K E grames grumes lots I 1 and 4 block 8 wellington lown sito survey wellington utah assessed in the tiame of W S binkin lot 1 block 3 gales addition of wellington townsil Town sitz wellington utah assessed in the name of W J tidwell beginning at southeast corder of quarter of southeast ur uri section 1 I township IS 15 south rany 10 east cast north 20 lods sods weak west bi 00 roda rods thence south 20 rods thence east cast 00 rodi to begin g section 1 township ID 15 south range io 10 east cast b S L M assessed in the name of b S F grundvig southeast quarter southwest quarter section 1 township alc 15 south range a 10 east S L ba assessed in the name of dile date 11 parke trustee southwest gouth west quarter of northeast quarter ter section 10 township 15 south range 10 east S L LM X assessed in the nam name grosso and kirkpatrick east half of northeast quarter of quarter section 16 15 town ship 16 15 south range 10 cast east S L X assessed in the name of esteile M whitner southwest quarter of northeast quarter northwest quarter quart r section 15 township 15 south 10 h 1 I I 4 east S L 31 as a sd in the nam nami 1 of slot ton i 4 j i at southwest quarter of northeast quarter of southeast quart quarter cr section 15 township 15 couth rang to 10 east S L M mp assessed in the ram of herbert Ohna oree cist east haf half northwest quarter see alon 22 township 15 south ranee range 10 east S L X M assessed in the name if H VV kellogg Kel loie southeast quarter of northwest quarter of southwest quarter section 22 township 15 south ranee range 10 batt S L M assessed in the name of cora R ellis eiji I 1 southwest quarter of northwest quarter of southeast quarter section 24 township 15 south ranee range 10 east S L mi M assessed in the rame of G C N killgore east half of northwest quarter of section also west half of noAh northeast cast quarter section 20 26 tow 16 15 south danile 10 east S L it assessed in the name of S 9 13 hatchin 30 son ibe the north quarter of southeast quai punier ter of northeast quarter section 23 township 15 south range 10 east S L bf M containing 10 acres assessed in the name of frank 1 L bucklo buckle north huff of southwest quarter of southwest quarte section 30 township 15 south range 10 east S 8 L it assessed in fit the name of irrigated lands company compan Begin beginning nini 20 rods east of the northwest correr of the southeast quarter of southwest quarter of stellon sillon sidon thence south 80 rods thence past 20 rods thence north 80 rods thence west I 1 20 rods to beginning section 7 7 j township 15 couth routh range I 1 11 I 1 east 2 L M asses assessed tied in the tile name of W A ihahn rist half of nt northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 8 township 15 south range a 11 east S 8 L M assessed sed in the name of hannah fl nin inken keti beginning 40 rods west of northeast corner of the northeast quarter of section thence west 24 rods thence south 80 rods thinie east 24 roos thence north 80 rods to beginning geltion 9 8 township 15 south range I 1 11 I 1 east cast S L lit assessed in the name of george W V dabose dubose southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 17 towa sLip 15 south lange iange 10 east S L M assessed in the name of dile 11 II parke trustee lot 0 block 3 scofield townsite te survey elif utah assessed in the name of mary krebs williams lot 3 block 0 9 scofield ald townsite survey scofield utah asi assessed essed in the nam nama of lena an undivided tided half halt interest inte iest in n lot 0 9 block 17 scofield townsite te survey scofield utah assessed in the name of D valerie beginning at the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section so atlon thence west 27 rods bouth southeast east and parallel paral lil to east bank f price pride river 11 anis to i A on quarter section line thence north 34 rods to beginning section 13 township 13 south range 9 east is L 51 assessed in the name of frank felice and C felice lot 6 and 15 block 5 pratts survey of welby townsite te helper utah assessed in the name of mag giu gie ash lot 07 6 7 8 1 14 15 in block 7 sumet of welb townie Tow Town nit tite helper utah assessed in the name of Willi lilliarn arn lot 10 aul 11 block 12 helper townsite te helper utah as hessed in the name of charles johnson beginning at tho southeast corner of the southwest quarter of southwest est quarter of section west 20 rods thence north 70 rods 4 thence east 20 rods thence south 70 ro roil to place of beginning also beginning at northwest corner of southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section thence south 20 rod rods thence east 80 rods thence north 20 rods thence west bo rods to place of beginning section 30 00 town township 11 13 south range 10 east S L N assessed in the name of phillip denni beginning Begin nine 2 A or of northeast corner of northwest quarter of north wast ata quarter of section thence south IS 13 rods thence west 11 1 rods thence north I 1 I 1 rods eist east 10 13 roda to begin beginning nina section 11 1 township 13 loth 10 eist elst S L SI 11 in the name of francis L 1 t beginning at the southeast corner s of lot 2 thence wes t 53 58 5 8 fe feet pt thence north 13 rods thence easu DJ 53 58 5 8 feel feet thence south 13 rods to begin beginning nin lol 2 blok 11 ll price townsite surrey price utah as assessed in the ninae nime of nick bel rel austro beginning Begin nine at tie tle northwest corner of southeast quarter of section 17 thence cast 31 rode rods 13 and ope doe lulf balf fc t thence south 23 rodt thence west 31 rods 13 one half feet thence north 23 rods to begir beginning bee irnine ning section 17 township 14 sauth range 10 east S L M assessed in the name of jessie gregory beginning 22 rods south and feet cast east of northwest corner of southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 17 thence north 22 rode rods theace east feet thence south 22 rods thence west ft to beginning section 17 township 14 south range 10 east S L M as ceased in the name of mary A miles beginning beeb north of southeast corner of south west n eat quarter of northwest quarter of section 21 r thence west one half halt feet feel thence north 50 feet thence east one half feet thence south 60 50 feet to of beginning section 21 township 14 south range 10 east S L M assessed in the name of I 1 Jag ninta ff beginning feet south 57 degrees 40 minutes east of a point 4 10 feet south of the northwest corner corne of section thence south feet thence south 69 59 degrees 40 minutes east 74 feet thence northeast feet to a point one half feet south 57 degrees 40 feet of east of place of beginning thence north 57 degrees 40 feet west one half feet to of beginning section 21 township 14 south range 10 e eist S L U M assessed in the name of mcdonald rea i estate investment company lot 0 3 block 2 in sarah jane plumb powell addition price utah assessed in the name of maegaret Mai gare garet thomas L lot 0 t 2 bl blosk O 0 k 2 montrose addition price utah assessed in the name 0 of E Macle lot 6 block 2 price river N lew addition aliue pi utah assessed in the name of fred aunald lot 2 and 3 block 7 price river VICA addition price utah a hessed in the na name me of C carl a rl baken bake n lot 1 block 14 price river view addition price utah assessed in the name of john city ahe east half of southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 22 1212 township 14 south range 10 cast S L 51 assessed in the name 0 of lars frandsen Frind sen the southwest quartet of southwest quarter of section aj toRn township ship 14 south range 10 east S L M assessed in the name of lars fran sen beginning at north northwest corner of northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section thence south 47 rods thence east to 0 rod roda thence norb north 47 rods thence west 0 0 roda rods to altee of beginning section 28 township 14 south range 10 eist S L M a assessed in the name of christine Peter bou lo 10 lot t 2 block 6 in wellington Town townsite bite survey wellington utah assessed in the name 0 of mary I 1 fc tidwell lot lot 3 block 1 I wellington toc town site survey wellington utah assessed in the rame of NV E jones beginning 31 3 1 feet last of south southeast tast corner southeast quarter of southwest quarter arter of section thence east cast one half halt feet north 1 t feet west om ont half feet south lg 16 l 1 G 6 feet to place of beginning becton seaf ion 0 6 township 15 south range 11 cast S L M N assessed in n the name of 0 edgar thayn beginning Begic ning feet east of southeast e corner of southwest quarter of section thence north IG I G feet feel thence north 59 degrees east 25 feet thence south 74 degrees east erst 3 n teet north 74 degrees 50 feica fee t eist feet thence eat feet the ce south feet thence west 1184 feet to tophie pl ice of begin nim section 6 township 15 south range rang 11 east cast S L M N asse assessed sed in the name ot E il the this northwest quarter of south ast post quarter and east bulf bif of south vest rest quarto of northeast quarter if section 3 bip 16 15 outa ranee range 10 east S L 51 assessed in the name of D livingston Livin gaton the ast half of northeast quarter I 1 of northwest quarter of section 15 13 township 15 south range 10 east S I 1 SI al assessed in the name a of ernest jrnest sl 51 dark clark the southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section aj township 15 south range 10 east S L na M assessed in the name of wentell wenel kuctha a ine line batt hilt of south southwest est ter west half halt of southeast quarter of section 22 township 15 south range 10 east S L 1 al assessed in the came name of maria kucera ibe northwest quarter of north west quarter of section 27 township I 1 IP range 10 east S L 1 M I assessed in the name of W kucera the northwest quarter lu arter southwest quarter south half hall of northeast ter of southwest quarter of 0 section 35 township 15 south range 10 east S 1 L A M assessed in the came rame of demay saunders the west hilf of northwest ter of southeast quartee of section no 33 35 township 15 south range lu east S I 1 L M N ase aseved sed in the mine nime of demay saunders dere the northwest quarter of northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 35 15 towns township bil 15 south range 10 east S L SI 31 assessed in the name of C U B williams ahe northwest quarter of north east quarter of southeast quarter of bention 35 township 15 couth range 10 V et S L M as assessed in the name came of M A gearhart Gc arhart the northwest quarter of southwest quarter ter nor northwest thweat quarter of northeast quarter of section 36 to township n 15 1 south ranee range 10 east S L al asse assessed sed in 10 the name of demay saunders ders beginning at the southeast corner of section thence north 80 rods thence wet wert 81 84 14 feet thence south 80 rod rods thence east feet to place of beginning section 5 town iship 15 south range 11 east S L V assessed in the name of john C vance lot 4 bisection 6 towne township hip 15 south range I 1 11 I 1 east S L M na assessed in the name of W E jones beginning at southwest corner of southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section thence north 10 chains thence east 20 chains chain thence 10 chains chaing thence west 20 chains to place of b beginning ginning section 7 township 15 south range I 1 11 I 1 east S L N assessed assesse i in the name of peter jones beginning at northeast corner of southwest quarter of ter of section thence west 10 chain thence south 10 chains 4 thence east 10 chains thence north 10 ch chains lins to via ulace e of section 7 town ship 15 baith range 11 east S L X aRs assessed essed in the name of jovel estate Ve ginning at northeast corner northwest quarter of northwest quarter of 0 section thence south GOO feet thence north feet east feet thence west feet to pla place e of beginning section 20 26 township 15 south range 11 east b S L INI assee assessed sed in the name of Natu vile and V dottie Vot tin the north half of southwest quarter of northwest q parter of septic 1 32 township range 11 east S 3 L SI assessed in the time name of C B galloway and peter ludvig beginning ajo feet south of north west corner of northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section thence south feet icet nee nce east 80 rods thence north 80 rods thence west feet thence south 36 feel feet west 00 feet to place of beginning sec see tion 7 township 14 south range 10 eidt e list b h L M assessed in the name of C 11 II abe southwest quarter of north west qua tr the north half of south west quarter northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section 25 5 township 15 south range 8 east aas b S L M ased me hed in the name nale of pter peter Jourin akis beginning Begin nm I 1 feel feet south of we north northwest wes florner corner of northeast quarter of section e tion thence south feet thence east feet thence north feet thence west aest feet to place of A W town hip ship 18 1 south ranee range 8 east S 11 M iseal in the name of august J appael uhe east half of southeast t arter arter of section 17 township la 15 south ranae 10 east S L 9 assessed in th the e name of P F M N burger lots 1 3 4 5 0 bloc 17 help r townsite survey helper utah assessed in the name peter bozone s1 S 1 M OF UT 11 ss cl IT ti ot ok 1 I if C smith count clerk and EK auditor in and for carbon county 1 tate of utah do streby certify that the above and fort fon going goine is |