Show what 19 7 vic r rhe news advocate langr itu lates lites lie the school Lh children ildren of box elder county on leading the he sute state with pledge 4 to ae over 10 in war var savins stamp and anti thrift amps for the tile year silt lake county hool st children come freit but they h hive I 1 e promised to buy but 1311 worth of carbon county does not app ar in chelist the list the nes news advocate does net not behe belve that his this means th thit it the children have quit f earning and saving but if the would pledge themselves to a definite amount the could make box cider elder children look like a bunch of bikers I 1 here ar over school children in this county each of them could fould airn and save 20 cents a week eek and many nany of them much more this would mean a week eck loaned to uncle sim and nd the total be more than S a year if carbon county school children would do this they would top the nation I 1 itt per capita capiti saving savings in many of tha amps lamps the work of buying stamps of the 1919 issue issue is being pushed but in others and in price it ie is lagaine 1 hie rhe govern mant has fins just paid out in liberty bond interest many hundreds of dollars of this sum I 1 comes to C arbon county few of those receiving reLe iving afi it ned ne d it for im mediate ue use why not use your interest money to buy thrift stamps if every ond bond hoder holder in tn the united state states would buy thrift stamp with his hare share of the and leave the money with uncle sa sam m to ue me five yean years mure more the government overn ment would pay back in 1924 carbon county cannot afford to lau ing longer in the thrift stamp campaign |