Show COAL production FAR UNDER NORMAL cial clot pro production luction in 1 for the first six alx lx months of 1931 1021 ie Is less by near ly IY ton tons than it aa was for or th f jilt half of 1019 and over oer tone tons less than tit in 1920 accordi according rg to a re port to the coal operator operators olt 0 utah corn con pili I 1 by br 0 A alien allen chief of the de of mine inspection ot of the tile state ind industrial trial the tile rr port allows that product lol generally is leee fr each month ahli yar ilan il vas i as in belll efler er 1019 1919 or 19 10 product on it 1 sho hon shon n no follow jan fl pei mardi april may tune 6 total n 3 12 1 18 3 lit 1920 baom bw wo 2803 aa 11 JS GOO 32 1688 88 am figure figures do not include email small wagon mines the tile report for june of 11 1 chowe 8 that during tin fit fi t wick production was a 38 1 pr per cent rent of no mal ia title 0 OS 5 ii per tont benl enl of p normal production 1 lue to no market the vc k of june 11 production wa as 31 per cent with ith per cent cent not Irod aced due to 0 o lack of the meek cek of june 3 8 1 ru ro deor a fioti tint of tle the weik pre precelina celing hin fjug to per cent millo I 1 t r elli ci t of 0 normal undine I 1 duc to to catl i of if market the at weik Iro luction wa aa 34 1 per cent mitu 64 4 it air cent of the tile normal I 1 tion luct I 1 be came cause of a stagnant |