Show in the seventh SUMMONS 3 itlie vil diat rift riet court fr r a 1 1 for or carldon county utah harry i plaintiff e s oust Haralam paki anil and nick Xe Takis defendants the state of utah to be the rail pall de fend ants lou loll are hereby summoned Bum mone to appear within twenty daye days after service of thie this summons upon you A sergej with in the county in wilch thin action Is brought other otherwise wige within thirty ly ays after service eer vice and slid defend ohp above en titled detjon and ia is case of your failure so 0 o to ilo do judgment will be ren dered against yo to theae the de mand mind of the complaint which has teen en fibel file I 1 with the cleric clerk of aidi said court this action is brought bro to recover judgment against you for pali paid out for you and for ia interest terest and costs Ht li ewart alexander cannon attorneys for plaintiff 0 address building Bui HinR laing irice price utah arst publication june 30 act publication july 28 |