Show inning alim NG PROGRAM UPON THE FOURTH price business houses will be ailed asked to close monday from 10 a in ti I 1 p in while the fourth of july program is t being given at sit city park A parade will tart start from the tint 1 arst national bank corner at the first named hoar hour and proceed to the park where the he exer dee times will be held it is I 1 expected that all homes and buri gurinee bu rinee neso bouses will di dis play the national color colors the city bs has received recci red a new supply of flaat ing aal ant they will be hung in the usual place pieces in rn the afternoon the rodeo will be staged at the ball park anil and a nu number iber 1 of citizens citi xene are planning on pleases an l fishing trips the program at t the he park la as fl fallow lows america led by A Dur gener tr invocation chaplain A NN hors 1 ty song glee elul club A I 1 trees of welcome L A mcgee realina of declaration of in pen lente lenee helen piani eolo solo jane patriotic address siv rv finer r go alwn stair banner led by A burgener P n diction chaplain Chap lala A W kor ley |