Show ROAD WORK AGAIN MAKING PROGRESS SS engineer adam adams put his hi grading crew back at mirk work lat last saturday on a the th tate late b tween trice I 1 rice and aud castle date gate as r result at of worl wort from senator smoot to secretary george 11 alt of the chamber of commerce an I 1 the tit isit of governor mabey malley tr to the city castro and poulson of the tate state road com commission liter piter went user 1 the tile reject ani sill met the county and air mr miller last 1 irl day jay an aal I 1 it it Is not thought ti atiat at there will wilt be an hitch in the work until it is a completed mr adami adams has ha teen able to secure only a mall smell force of 10 arial ati team teams becaj of the ruh rush of farm work at tl 1 Is gearou but a big outfit li Is corn ing in from headquarter pf the con tractor tractors ani ant more local assistance can be secured later so 0 o that the nork ork will 1 I e ml ruil ed ax As a result of the confer ence held here the county commission ere er were riven given permission perm lioa to pay such wages as ie Is necessary ceary ne to secure teams aud and labor on work on tate state road roads the tile coulty to pay the elect over the state rate of 3 for 1 on end and N 6 for team teams it wa was also 10 lo agreed that the county could take eare care of emergency matters with oil out t waiting for action by tate state author atlee tie B J finch federal engineer will loon soon go so aver over the local situation checking up oil ol the th question of avail able A ble material for the paving paying and it will then be decide I 1 what kind of bard sur our face to use several local men favor concrete eight inches in the tenter center and alz ilz ix inches at the outer edge edg e but noth ing aa baa has even been considered officially by those who will have bave the decision and all 11 II kinds of material men mou will have a hearing the matter of paving from the west half limits of f price to city ball will not be considered by bite state and fed e eral fit authorities autho ritte until price people get together and decide where they want the paving to run |