Show NOTICE FOR department of the interior i U S LAND at salt lat lake city utah mav mal 1 sa 3 19 1 Is berely rivin that leo lowry lory of price utah who on jan uart 11 1017 rule eun no for bebe see 20 see 21 see 29 12 h range 13 easop eat bait salt I 1 rake ake meridian bae has filed notice of in tendon to make three ear proof to es tallish eliem to the land abue de do serbia bul before clerk of tie district court at price utah on the ath day of july 1921 names as witnesses isca J V jensen of price utah C A I 1 lee eel of nine ine mile jile via I 1 rite rie utah jean Aric aguerre of I 1 rice utah eu ea gean monk of price utah GOULD D BLA hELY felister Pe Fe gieter gister first put june 2 1 laet last pub jue juite 30 |