Show CARBON HOSPITAL SOLD TO MT PLEASANT DOCTOR bale sale of the cartan carl PA I 1 PItAl ha has been nil the paper papers were 1 at the courthouse toyah di dl M I 1 winter of alt it pleasnt Plea int ii is the new owner out he is to take porse posses ion july I 1 it has alifi been knowe for gome some time that br dr winter winters 1 las a bee beef desirous deai rou of I 1 lying the I 1 capital aspi la I 1 aul alit it is be will moie I 1 ere froma apon alt mt I 1 beasant in the near future jut just what changes will I 1 ie e ma male le at the ho hos pital hae oot not been ann ai as yet but sincee is has been operating a firt first elass la institution of that at lit mt pleasant for a number of years pa riat pat t it 1 is eife ife to ay that it will I 1 it L kel keit t strict ly up to late date in every enery reap ct et mrs 1 kite K ate mccartay MeC McC artly announce it it is ier let intention to ining hat iv gt an other ho ital here to I 1 ic c at first lo 10 1 bated in temporally temp oraly clu artere arters ant an lter moved into a nen nev bull ling to 0 o be built chis his fall or in the early spring |