Show SCHEME LOOKS GOOD george storrs wa in I 1 rl ri this week looking after 1 baine iness matt rs r lie tie ex plaine I 1 to the e eaks e Io corate fate hat that the mentioned in the fl ailt ailt lav la pree press lories stories in connection wit his hi opening up of a mine ant an I 1 townsite town sit on ionian gordon creek on the eite site of 0 the adar dar mesa farm is i only y for the purpose of f leafing testing all up preliminary m matter aters so 0 o hat the large sum nee ie le I 1 n may aay be me e alred tt raj the corn kompany pany will join in the bull tin of th the railroad flroa I 1 now I 1 pr e ta pole post ly the national y coti e kraev an ani I 1 it Is i elpe expected eted bat that celar cedar mesa will faro furn fall homes for ral 1 0 men nho b 0 will be employed empl in t I 1 r or f ane m ea lite are to t t if 1 i 1 up in tb newty in the tb mar f future future which is heabel bl mr air tb the e is I 1 tailed called the great desern C ir cl A l 1 company |