Show good tires ARE THE GREAT JOY OF MOTORING let us look nur our tires and tubes oer anil Nind repair the weila spots we claim to know our busi bust ness and stand ready to proe it E expert x p e r t vulcanizing and tire repairing of all kinds open nights and sundi is s shop last door north of sa oy hotel on oil nest iest side of ninth street LIBERTY TIRE AND RADIATOR CO CA avo jess taylor prop HOUSE CLEANING NG o 0 1 no M U 04 a a 4 po MW 4 al 41 a N 0 14 ow 4 om fl 4 a 1 it cannot be done successfully without a IN ROYAL VACUUM SWEEPER to aid you it makes housework a pleasure why cot not have a royal bent sent to your homo home satisfaction guaranteed i HJ uj 4 51 eastern E s tarn utah ELECTRIC JUM COMPANY COMP A NY W C BROEKER mgr dollars can work jf I 1 f oil let them the are tire able to put in twenty m enty four hou laouri ever eier lay day in the veir aid airn good wages if son tos ims them around ani teach them bad habits they u will ill prove shift shiftless lem and worth N ort lebs bless its up to ou on hon hou bours ours behave bring them to us and we will put them to work for ou and pay you cery enery cent of their wages ages i PRICE commercial SAVINGS BANK WE ARE PREPARED to furnish frame buildings of any kind for immediate del dean cry I 1 BOWERS CO 00 south 3rd west salt lake lahe city F F FISK physician and surgeon price utah DR R M JONES physician and surgeon obstetrics and diseases of children office in it Silv amit building price utah DR SANFORD BALLINGER dentist miles building price utah DR D R T J ANTON dentist rooms 9 and 10 Sli PRICE UTAH DR H B GOETZMANN dentist bitar A bay work and extraction given attention PRICE UTAH DR J A JUDY physician PhY and surgeon office in price commercial bank office phone JE JE FLYNN undertaker and licensed lic embalmer Em baliner telephone 2 aj 3 price utah DR J B HENDERSON chiropractor at c mornings morn ingi and after noon i in it parker parler weeter block at helper cunnea over help r state bink bilik NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES father giovannoni Rio Glo vannon caslor phone 2 aw SJ north M at price eighth 81 street ovary sunday at 11 G clock morning lilily li sunday school lieme aily after taw mass ma mass in the various at the re to quest ot of the people baptisms marrianee Marri Mr agee rags rals 1 by raz ranie gemont nent the pastor AT PRICE 8 JU in al attorneys p at t jaw I 1 biot gitil F robins 11 and I 1 12 SATAN rest price utah 6 eat ol 01 L A MCGER t attorney at laa aa t 1 t e r Sll agni block to price ice utah eck Z DALTON AND DAIS DAL attorneys at law hill office eko Tiie theatre BI price I 1 tab ta OLIVER K CLA attorney at la law office in aprile stewart alexander ft a CB AT UW eleventh floor deseret bid bala bait salt lake city arta Slav agui building net priest I 1 RUNNY R U 00 1 11 attorney bt TAW office at Court courtia la PRICE WAS GEORGE OURIS ATTORNEY AT raw 18 8 aft 21 price utah A 0 TAYLOR building contractor acta hays tour your building ballot buc price utah abre A BALLINGER abstracts of title real eigil sur eu rance anceo bonds money folau to la approved security IN stater ater motu sale or lease conveyancer uil andy public office omee first floor mile miles b la main street phone 17 HENRY FIACK AND SC contractors and Buil bilder deri phone E M FULLER civil mining and imad engineer office first door sast east first rian bank price utah CARBON COUNTY ABS COMPANY 3 W na hammond ramond prop real 1 falate insurance on and abstracts of title prepared f roi nud and lota lots money mguey to I 1 an on a farm lands nt at 8 per cent public e second floor ing phone ijo KNIGHTS OF P price lodge no 32 meets ei aery cry accini 1 third slid h tuesday in Mase mashinic inic ball hall always welcome P E C 0 W R WHEAT VAT X of IL and 0 ARROW AUTO ALWO LI price to hiawatha and black E cairs price 9 A in and 1 5 1 F hiawatha 11 II a in and nd 6 I 1 16 special tripe trips by aiga nt essm at any ho flour hor r headquarter savoy amusement hau haa hiawatha J phones and gli 91 IL ABERDEEN the high efficiency CO A L government equivalent equi valcoi 2104 ibs lbs unequalled for storage will not slack bett best of steaming and hell H ing qualities cs independent coal company mine mines at ulas 1 general lisuk FIJI SALT LAKE PITY |