Show C C H S NOTES I 1 inal examinations x will corni commence nence next tuesday afternoon an ani I 1 con continio tinie through till thursday afternoon there will be no inn chio 1 after Thu Thur relay itlay rev ralph jones jonett aure ned the ti ilent loir folit anti fakult faculty y in assem bir tues lay morning the frit ill ani ant aarona of C C II 11 R an I 1 selic of carl parlon on county arr art ordia lly in ite lit I 1 to arteni atten I 1 the aprin exhibit on fri frt lay of this week ara feinle contests ton tests will be hel hell I 1 i the tile it 11 S I 1 ull ling in tho the dorning n orr illig at tell ani the athletic program will ie le carriel out in thu the afternoon i 2 tek on tin tit irico gro inis I 1 iva F ani aul john slawi ft 1 1 I leave R inthy for logan tl 0 III allen the flirl nn ill ilo ant nn 1 gerh cl b school for ne oie weik ae to gefeke training fur for lead leadership ershil in I 1 at tt afternoon nn an rally wai was held field in at hillh the caal manager fur the t lly election their ticket tickets an ani I 1 outline I 1 their platforms pi alorma mack spike for the parta anil and uttley Gun gunderson deron for the atud ants party in the elections I 1 the progressive party swept the poll th one exception the elected candidates for next year are as follows albert kay body pre pres josephine Joe ephine olson ida robinson carbon editor moneta shiner business Bul nees manager mane marie davie davis secretary john I 1 itzgerald iti itz gerald geraid athletic Ath letie letle manager bellmont Pel lmont Richar dYell yell matter master theora snow debating Man manager on the evening of april 29 in the 11 II S gym the junior clam clan entertained the senion seniors at the annual junior senior banquet the tile afir was one that will be re numbered for a long time mi miss collet collett t and her domestic donie itie science girl girls pro provided many good things to eat needless to eay any taij part of the program was enjoy ed d by al present after dinner and toasts it til I 1 owed of both lasses classes and mr beever taking part in this the remain der of the evening was passed in dancing aa t thursday Thur day april 28 a typewriting teet test wai was I 1 id el I 1 in lit if tie e high school an ani I 1 josephine olson was the successful eon a in tile lie first year clare class josephia Jos ephim made ade an en aniable lable record an I 1 will reemi berehe e D an acarl from the remington tyle ariter co of anew sew I 1 ork city A teet test fir fr cond year stu students lents wil be hell mav alm 10 on oil tullay evening of this week at Aidt rind on thursday evening in the tile H 8 S auditorium the renier U clasi 1 1 will ill stage the three act farce comedy da A poor Al arriel man ahe he following fulling Is a t the e cast of characters charac tere professor Pro fenor Isor john 13 aliee N ise lyman I 1 doctor mattan graham llau llauge ae broks balry blake Mt iroe alixson jupiter jackson Cl iesley oui out leriou mr its lona iona I 1 r rl I 1 clana Cla riia J ties J june n n e grabara fira harn I 1 lizabeth liza teth idamel I 1 I 1 illian jol ettin the ninth annual mi t arx crelles of the carbon ihil will wai be hell next week when the work for the lie school 3 car ear will ill be comi etc I 1 on sunday at 8 the B harvice will take ilace lace in the L R 1 8 tabernacle when judge joshu i rec I 1 will i reah rea h tin I 1 a cl all aureate lente permon on oil AVeI nesda maning may ii 11 at 8 p ni the com im faill ill be given ovell I 1 in tte 11 S 4 auditorium overture A loaia it S 8 Or chetra selection Selic tion lly horus oration mack alack oleon olson invocation george V wootson Vo otton salutatory A toast to the tile clai class monroe alixson Oer overture ture the light BrI galeot U 11 S 8 arche t tra adars to graduates ur dr georic thomaa thomas healing ilea 1119 helen al all lic bictory tory I 1 TI tie e HI tri lj hr r I 1 ife if Clar clarisa laga jones presentation of class 1 prin 0 J ea confer conferring rin g diplomas C II 11 marcusen Mare Vare usen selection carmeni glee club job kni erlea audience on monlay mon lay evening in the if H F g mm gm m the girls of the school under t the he li of mia mim ruben pree antel the ai at buil spring pageant which villie h took the f rm of a tay may dav festival Fett ival a I 1 tie dvm wa was prettily de cortrel cort tel tf 1 l for ta hi I 1 event ment to represent prent rp a vo a olland A V 1 ic an all 1 tie de and eol colo I 1 tie I 1 in P A or arrandt r adz t I 1 iv tin the art rl 1 diioli ent t lit tit broel tora effe effect ethe lie fotr an all i seler tio n reon bom Tt riner the morning it t r entered in fit a sub lue I 1 light aej I 1 I 1 ame graceful interpretive dingli g 1 foil folla iw I 1 ay 1 tie mist spirit it dawn the spirit of the M ruing enil and anater atar then ler a blidt of liht light the run nil oil ler 1 er mai lens lerin en terel an ani pro limul iv their skillful lancing As a licit lefts I 1 of the like in art fter after tie t e dance of the baring bong song b fie girl girls bearing gar garlan lanIs Is of bloe blos bonig the may queen olson entered accompanied by her fairy attendant attendants then while the queen eat sat upon her throne there were more dances flower dances laity I 1 airy lances butterfly dances and finally the queen descending from her throne jainel the reels twelve girls gowned in white then gave gae the may pole 1 dance and this was followed by the approach of night and her shadows who interpreted in grute grateful ful style the coming of the dark nees bess A good sited sized audience was present to enjoy the pageant and nil all were unanimous in their opinion thet miss kuben ruben and her girl girls dese debert much corn coma emendation men dation for their clever cleer work in the eastern division track and fiel fie I 1 meet which was held in cattle castle dale saturday april 30 the uintah academy of vernal as easily the nic aci t tors the team from uintah basin showed the of if good hard train ing ended e over oer a long period of time the carbon an ani I 1 emery county team teams vere handicapped by the lack of train ing which aich has been almost this year on account of the coll coil weather cather i milson ileon and deman demon mere nere the men on the carbon team who were able to make a goo gool I 1 sho homing ming these two men altho having had little pra ettee ice showed that th thy ty have hae the ability at of first place men and should be winner winners next text ear the features of the meet were the j bavli nelin throwing of of cr r rani a n 1 the hot shot put ling fr of arnoll arnol I 1 of castle dale nol an the 4 jumping of W VH on of the local team thee these three men ma male ae 9 ool records in their ua belts and I 1 be star stars in another a ear many jobee jokes have been sprung about housecleaning house cleaning but bait no housewife ever laugley at one of them 1 lou 1011 ina joke all you please about the saturday night I 1 ath but the world would be a lot i place if is ei took one |