Show LEAGUE OPENER IN PRICE BIG DOINGS CLUB W L pet price i 1 0 1000 1 0 2 1000 Sunny sunnyside side 1 I 0 1000 hiawatha Hia witha 0 i 1 OO 00 bain rains 0 i 1 0 ra storrs pettress PetT lesa less 0 1 price took the opening game of the eastern utah baseball league bun lay afternoon wien the tile local club crowed buta with Jl lawatha with etli the score I 7 to 2 Jf mohrland took the tile game at ott that liace lace with bain rains ant an I 1 wa was winner on ott their grooms with storrs I 1 the price gane game wae nas preceded by a parade lei let ly tin thi trice I 1 rice haul baid ant an I 1 in which maor I 1 A mcgee 0 of I 1 nee rice mayor H 1 0 garr of amatha anil and dr Sanf Sall orl fort ballinger of the league occupied of honor the price an ani I 1 a boama team I 1 in to the I 1 am arn ie le an I 1 a number of from train all oner the county brodit t up tie 1 ic rear the parale para ie formed as a flannel 1 I 1 in fit fiort of the pot post office marchel archel in to tie baoy avoy hotel corner inter ii archel up main to sixth street nal nfl ere tl it ones on oil foot I 1 lourdel aarde I 1 cars an nul I 1 it ie to tie I 1 all ground i biere I 1 b screna ser eunic le wu galil 1 by the tile babil and fit thi pre hwillard Jun hw inary illary exhibition cal ibitson 1 maun 1 I c ep an 1 aal bomer P peacock etaf sta g I 1 mcgee 4 j cuts were acre bayout MB or garr but te le safely male first on ma flord strike which catcher peacock was unable to holl hold the main performance of the afternoon was ass then ushered in and tie eastern altah leae league formally opened price started right in to serious business in the first inning and secured three run runs the loul did not again core score until tie edg th inning when they ran in four more me men brown price a came up to bat in that inning with two tao men on bases and cloumn 11 the ball over the tile hiawatha lawatha Il right fielders fiel dere head for or a round trip another run wai was also made by the local locals following that play ilia watha woth a made both of theli run runs in fit the fifth inning before and anti after that session boin bein unable to get a player a arouni the boses averill pitching for price male a strikeout becort that will likely stan etani I 1 f for or some time in the league in fanning t twenty enty of I 1 i appon ente casualties Casual tits of tie game beside besides tl home run ani ant ahr ahrie e hit batsmen ba eon con gist plat of a broken wInIe hieU a broken auto lamp both hit by foul balle balls ani ant a tore acre ami arm for mayor tha the box score of the game follow follows price A IL nit p V leet lee ab 4 0 2 1 I it averill Averl lI p 4 1 1 0 I 1 t 11 1 a 4 2 2 5 0 0 brown as 4 2 1 0 2 0 leonael Leo narl ct ef S 5 1 2 0 0 1 like if 1 2 0 0 0 race c 3 0 1 I 20 0 1 I Mc lee Carric arric ab 4 0 1 1 0 1 fi avan ans rf 5 0 1 0 0 0 total 37 7 13 27 1 1 hiawatha awatha A BP 11 P 0 AE garber ab 4 0 1 1 3 0 ahab ab p 3 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 aberts on wt w so t 4 0 00 1 0 2 11 2 0 0 9 0 0 lb 4 0 0 9 0 0 aceal if 4 1 1 1 0 0 burk ef cam Os 4 1 0 2 1 1 may stay rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 ayers P r 2 0 0 0 0 a i tuttle p 1 0 0 0 0 0 total 32 S 3 24 4 3 price jilts ilits s1 sa 1 1 2 0 00 I 1 ax 1 13 hun runs 3 0 ax xa 7 Il hiawatha lawatha I 1 iuta its 0 00 3 o 0 runs 0 00 S dumary two bae base hit hits lee Xv erill leonard home runs drown brown steffee STif fee hit hits pai wilson IV stolen bas leonardt ife S arri arri r stay first bae on 01 1 I alia alls off ayers 1 tuttle 2 avedell 2 by ayer ayers C f tuttle 3 averill 20 nbc mix hita hits off 0 ayers in I 1 6 innings six ix hit hits off tuttle in 2 2 I 1 inning ings one hit off pheb in 13 1 3 inning hit batsmen batsman bats men lee by ayers mccarrie Mt Carrie by tuttle manchester by averill ea es I 1 oni g |