Show 11 BRIBES 1 LOCAL U miss honnie bonnie fields Is s spending endine sp the week with frie irle fida lids at helper henry thompson cadue oscr from cerroti tills this coining tuo mo ining inin lie ile states that thoro there as little snow in hid tits section mr and mrs lee Whit inore at the sharp ranch near sunnyside Sunny side mrs E 13 humo hume of aa aalt lake 14 visiting at the home of lei let brother 0 T brooks june whitmore returned turned ro from his trip in time to eat christmas christma dinner with the home folks I 1 mr and mrs birs L A mcgeo mcgee will leave saturday morning for a ten diy dey visit at salt lake city mr and mrs airs emery larsen of castle dalp spent christmus at the homo home of mrs airs sister mrs airs thomas Du dumayne mane 4 riisa miss rose borvice Bor vicc of bunny Sur sid spent Chris chrimes Chr imis mILS catli wh mrs airs frank averill ani then went to her new homo home at susin calif mrs W K alemy and sirs vir ninia 1 Duggin sand children left toda for provo and georgo collingham Col linghan is moving into the sheriffs quarters I 1 I 1 lV wallace allace sullivan the now county agent for carbon corbon anil and emery is 12 already making much licad headway ivay in bis his work and introducing new now practical al ideas that will prove of great benefit ho ile is now organizing the farmers of fach each community in emery county into clubs to meet regularly for the discuss ort oil of topics of interest to the men iho tho women and the boys and girls of 0 the each club will have a director on a central county board and the directors will form a county farm bureau t many co opera tive plans are to bo be carritt out |