Show COUNTY HOSPITAL BILL CREATING mm aff SALIM FEATURES A gret great amount of interest 1 f le ea st ia ill being manifested in the county hospital bill proposed to be intro dudin a ed d n the next legislature it is being fathered by dr R E cloward Ci ovard of t 9 ity anat the public may know the salient features fea turps of tho the dill they are hero printed section I 1 any county mv my a hospital in the th e following manner whenever liever the board of county commissioners of any county shall be presented with a petition signed by two hundred resident taxpayers of said county one hundred of whom shall not be residents of town in which said hospital is to be located asking asting for the annual levy of a tax for the establishment and maintenance of a public hospital at a place in the county therein named and shall specify in their petition the maximum amount of money to be spent in the establishment building or buying such structure as shall be used for said hospital such board of county shall submit the question to the yia lined electors of the county at the next general election to be held in the county or at a special election called for that purpose giving 90 days notice thereof in one or more newspapers published in the county if any be published therein and by posting suh sui h noice nolice written or printed in each voting precinct in said county which notice shall include the text of tha the petition and state the amount of tax to be levied upon the assessed prop erty of said county which tax shall not exceed two mills on the dollar for a period of time not exceeding 20 years and be for the issue of county bonds and provide funds for the th pur chase of a site ot 01 sites and tho tha erection thereon of a public hospital ana hospital buildings and for the tho support af the same chich said election be held at the usual places in lid wild county for electing filec ting county of fl fias avs f lie voto oto to 0 o be canvassed in the sime manner as that foi county section 11 II the tile board of county of such county count sh shill ill ia mit to I 1 the lie nullified qu theof beof it P v or special election i i 1 stion whether there therb sh levied n thu tho assessed iss essed property of such i aty a tax of mills on the d air iv foi the purchase pui chase of roal real estate f buildings aud and for t tu al 11 n hi r of the same or lor jor aith oi th C 11 II of such purposes bes 1 lie ballot t e used at ani aw election at whitall h ho spital question submitted rimby with a statement aubr ab ully aily as follows I 1 or i t mill diax ax for a bond biu b iu U for hospital and for th m mite iunce nance of the same t m t f votes otes I 1 cast at such I 1 liun tion on ci proposition so 40 sub fa tl I 1 hiu be in n tavor of a mill tax i I 1 lond ond iwa a public hospital 1 foi f ot n r i kin u of thu game th j rd of county vor rutn mioner 3 4 vy the vix so authorized which nail nall bo be collet ted in tho the same maner as other taxes arc are collected and edited tu to tile hospital I 1 fuad fund and gaall all be paid cut out on order of the hos bos stal tal trustees for the purpose author fed d by this act and aid for no other pur rose se whatever section IV the cou county ity surel t the county la in which the hospital located lo cited hall ball be treasurer of the spital board of trustees trusties tha measurer ea surer shall receive and lind pay out H I 1 money under the control of the jid id board as ordered by it but shall caige no compensation for his sere ce performed but may receive ah h reimbursement for expenditures actually made for personal expenses made or incurred as a trustee and an itemized account of all such expenses made and money paid out shall be made under aith by each of such trustees and filed with the secretary and allowed only by the at af formative firma tive vote of all the trustees at a board meeting me eling the board of trustees shall make and adopt such bylaws by laws rules and regulations for heir their own guidance ard for the government of the hospital as they deem expedient for the economic and equitable conduct thereof not inconsistent with this act and the ardi ances of the town or city wherein such hospital ie Is located they shall have control of all money collected forthe for tho hospital fund for the purchase of sites the purchase of or construction of hospital building or bannings ban bli edings dings aid ald of the supervision care and custody of the grounds rooms or buildings purchased pui chased leased or set apart for that purpose provided that all money received for such hospital shall be deposited in the treasury of tho the county to the credit of the hospital fund anil and paid only by warrants drawn by the auditor of said count on properly loo perly authenticated you Vouch cheis eiss of the hospital board sid said S id hospital board ahall have ibave power to appoint a suitable superintend ent or matron or both ana essaiy stants tt ants and fix their compensation and shall haue baue the power to such appointees and shall in gener generl carry out tho the sanit sili tit and intent of this act in establishing and main twining a public hospital with equal rights to all ind and special privileges privilege to none such board shall hold meetings at least once a month they shall keep a complete record of all proceedings and four 4 members ot such board shall coat constitute itule a quorum for the tile transaction of or business one of said shall haill visit and examine spid slid hospital at least twice a month and tho tile baird shall within the first week in january of each eal vh yeat file with the count of lid lowet a report of their with ith reference to such hospital hoe pital and a statement of all till receipts and e ex tures of the vear and shall tiby the am air punt an ceary to maintain and improve the hospital foi the ensuing er no trustee shall lia hae liae e a personal pecuniary interest in n the purchase of any supplies foi fot the hospital such supplies lie are purchased purchase bv com j bidding section building shall be erecter ot 01 constructed until tho plans and apt notions have been made thereof and adopted by the board of hospital and bids advertised for or according to law as ap foi fol oilier other count buildings section X I 1 every very hospital established under this act let shall be for the tile benefit it of the inhabitants of elili county and of any person falling sick or being bained or injured within its limits but every inhabitant or per son who is nob dt a savil sh ply p ly to such boar i of hospital trustees Iru ur or such buell affif as s as it shall design design ito for euch public county hospital 9 a reasonable compensation for ry nursing care medaine medi sine or attendance according to the rules and regulation of euch such board as may be adopted in order to render tho use of said hospital of the greatest benefit to the I 1 0 greatest number board nuy may exclude from the usg of auch euch hospital hoa hoti pital any and all persons or individuals who wilfully violat such rules and regulations said board may extend thy the privileges and use of such hospital to persons reiding ix alding outside of such coun ty upon such terms and conditions as said board boord may from time to time by its rules and regulations prescribe section VIX the said board of trustees I 1 shall at all times provide a suitable le room for the detention and emanation ev of all persons who are brought before the commissioners of insanity ier uv such sueh county provided that such hospital lb located at the county seat such persona having havin been adjudged insane are 0 to o be sent to the state mental bo ho spiral 0 for the insane at the discretion of the cm missioners of insanity section the board of trustees of said hospital are hereby authorized zed to provide suitable departments in said hospital for the care and treatment of all medical and sur giad cases including tuberculosis infectious diseases and maternity cases to formulate such rules and regulations for the government of such persons and for the protection from infection of other patients nurses and attendants in such jimlo hospital ia Ls may ba deemed necessary it shall be tho the duty of such persons in charge of oi 01 employed edat at such hos lios pital or resident thereof to faithfully obey and comply with any and a all 11 such rules and regulations section the TI 1 e board of hospital trustees shall have the power to determine whether or not patients presented at such public hospital for treatment are subjects for charity and ball shall fix such prices for compensation for patients other than those unable to assist themselves as may be deemed right and equitable by said county hospital board |