Show CHARMING GIRLS GURU TO WO VISIT P PRICE din the second number on the 1 breum beum course promises to bo be one of the best evet riven given in this city the date is next thursday evening dec 14 at the high school auditorium the entertainers arc are the lyndon gordon duo charming luidens nui inai dens one from the sunny southland the home of the negro with his banjo and hi his queer songs md the other from frim the Ilo hoosier osler state the tho home of t home songs and stories the birthplace of a dialect never successfully imitated by a non hoosier miss lyndon is a rare impersonator taking ono one back to the daa b of the genuine negro mammy and hei in the days lays befell do wall wah and she runs the gamut of all human emotions no less gifted la Is miss gordon who recites the stories of the heart and the homo home in a way to touch eadry hearer one as s al at most literally lifted into the scenes of which these artists sing and ie cite and himself in the old south or in the presence of the particular character which they impersonate or of which they tell it will le an n evening full of pleasure and the young ladies are sure to have a warm warin greeting the date is 19 next thursday evening dec 14 |