Show A CL CLOSE 0 ae inspection I 1 U il of our stock c IF lumber and building material will reveal the fact that we have one of the cleanest clea neat and best assorted stocks in this vicinity and a similar inspection of our prices will show that we ask no more for it than others ask for much inferior stuff 10 the two greatest grez test salesmen on earth QUALITY and PRICE are constantly working for us and you 11 ll always find us a step ahead of others in quality and a step behind in price what can we give you an estimate on ce STEVENSON U qt 1 it tv E N SON LUMBER CO phone III price rtuh merchants ri books the has laid in a of merchants coupon books bools both in 5 and 10 denominations no use sending awa for these books bools hereafter af ter legal blinks at news advocate KANSAS KANS A S THE PERFECT WHEAT IS HERE THIS TUIS YEAR AND ONLY HERE heur ut KANSAS oh kansas land youre on the job when other states are placing ha ho each cw ear you fill the dinner pail I 1 when crops elsewhere sebere el burn up u and fail no more are aou ou a standing joke the home of people ever broke your banks banki arc are bursting full of gold your granaries full as they will hold whenever men sit down to eat they thank the lord for kansas wheat oh kansas and land when all is said GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY DAIFY BREAD and U S are both kansas flours sold under a R positive guarantee PRICE commission I 1 CO 4 P parties i r ties desiring cut flowers pot potted t e d plants can be supplied 0 by the grand floral co company of grud r junction leave orders with S or williams at D R G tack L flee e t af 4 7 t bargains in inal at second band hand pianos piano at 23 r a may be a pleasure to you ou or it may be a nuisance we make M ake it a pleasure U ral our kitchen IS is newly newty equipped with the best of f stoves sto ves and utensils and our cook is P par pr r excellence try one of our me meals a p steak short order we re here to please COLLE LUNCH ROOM 3 door wt west 0 of golden rule rde hurrah hu ahl hurrah T my buttons are sewed on and my clothes white and clean I 1 sent them to the home laundry just south of panama hotel MENDING DOME dorie FREE thie the myer myer L ar transfer co NORA MYER manager light and hea heavy hauling fo any point in carbon MI AS IS toll YOU WANT IT AND WHEN YOU will ir phone ant and at lly P 0 box bo 1244 price utah miles E miller LICENSED ARCHITECT r tit adding salt LAIC city C IF S DUNLEVY civil and mining k engineer XII kit kinda ids of engineering n surveying given prompt attention county court house price gutib land mape sun eying loo water measurements 3 irrigation forrester leger lezet and 6 I 1 0 1101 PRICK PRICE UTAH panama hotel HOW best Locc location tion in city PRICE fine firle rooms hot and WA wafer steam heat bath rates 7 1 W |